Ep 23. Smashing with Sketch!
- March 15, 2018
Ash, Pikachu, and their friends continue their journey through the Alola region in episode 23 of season 21 of Pokemon the Series, titled "Smashing with Sketch!" As they make their way to the next island challenge, they stumble upon a group of artists setting up for a mural contest.
Intrigued, Ash and the gang decide to stick around and check out the competition. However, things take an unexpected turn when Team Rocket shows up in disguise, determined to steal the winning mural and sell it for a fortune.
To make matters worse, a mischievous Alolan Meowth causes chaos by using its sketchy moves to alter the appearance of the murals, making it difficult to determine the winning piece. Ash and his friends must now team up with the artists and put their Pokemon's skills to the test to try and create a winning mural before Team Rocket can get their hands on it.
As the competition heats up, Ash and his friends come up with creative ways to incorporate their Pokemon into the artwork. Lillie's Vulpix uses its icy breath to create a winter wonderland scene, Sophocles' Charjabug uses its electricity to light up a futuristic landscape, and Lana's Popplio adds a playful touch with its water-based painting.
Meanwhile, Pikachu and the newly-evolved Torracat become the stars of the show, using their lightning and fire-themed moves to add dynamic elements to the murals. Ash's Rowlet even gets in on the action, using its sharp claws to etch intricate details into the artwork.
As the clock ticks down, Team Rocket becomes more desperate in their attempts to steal the winning mural. They try to distract the artists, disable the Pokemon, and even create a diversion by setting off fireworks in the middle of the competition.
In the end, it's a close call between Ash and his friends and the other contestants, but through teamwork and creativity, they manage to come out on top. However, just as they're about to claim their prize, Team Rocket swoops in and tries to snatch the winning mural.
But Ash and his friends are ready for them. In a dramatic showdown, they use their Pokemon's moves and strategic thinking to outwit Team Rocket and send them blasting off into the sky once again.
With the competition won and Team Rocket defeated, Ash and his friends move on to their next adventure, taking with them newfound appreciation for the art of mural-making and the power of teamwork.
"Smashing with Sketch!" is a fun and action-packed episode of Pokemon the Series, highlighting the creativity and skills of the show's beloved characters. It's a great reminder that when Ash and his friends work together, they can accomplish anything.