Ash and his friends arrive at a hot spring resort, looking for some relaxation and fun. However, they soon discover that the resort is facing a crisis, as the hot spring is drying up. The manager of the resort enlists the help of Ash and his companions to investigate the problem and find a solution.
As they explore the hot spring and its surroundings, they encounter several wild Pokémon, including a group of Quagsire and a Luxio. The Quagsire are behaving strangely, causing disruptions and hiding underground, which prompts Ash and his friends to investigate further. They soon discover that a disturbance caused by a nearby excavation is causing the hot spring to dry up.
Determined to save the resort and its hot spring, Ash and his companions team up with the Quagsire to stop the excavation. They devise a plan to create a diversion and lure the workers away, while Ash and his Pikachu sneak into the excavation site to sabotage the machinery.
The plan succeeds, and the excavation is halted, allowing the hot spring to slowly replenish itself. As a reward for their help, the resort manager invites Ash and his friends to a special hot spring bath, reserved only for VIP guests.
Throughout the episode, the characters enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of the hot spring resort, with scenes of them lounging in the hot water, drinking refreshing beverages, and bonding with their Pokémon. The lush scenery and serene music add to the overall tranquil ambiance of the episode.
Overall, Hot Springing a Leak! is a light-hearted and wholesome episode of Pokémon. While there are moments of drama and tension, the focus is on the characters' journey to save the hot spring and their teamwork in overcoming the obstacle. Fans of the series will appreciate the familiar themes of friendship and exploration, and the episode serves as a fun and entertaining addition to the season.
First AiredJune 28, 2008
Runtime21 min

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