Watch Peter Rabbit, Play Pack
- 2013
- 1 Season
Peter Rabbit is a beloved children's television show that follows the adventures of a mischievous and adventurous rabbit named Peter and his friends in the fictional countryside of Beatrix Potter's stories. This Play Pack from Nickelodeon provides children with a fun and engaging way to interact with the characters and world of Peter Rabbit.
The Play Pack includes a variety of activities designed to encourage children to use their imagination and creativity. Some of the activities include coloring pages featuring characters from the show, a maze, a word search, and connect-the-dots puzzles. The Play Pack also includes stickers featuring the characters from the show, which children can use to decorate their own artwork or belongings.
In addition to the activities, the Play Pack also includes a fold-out play scene featuring a colorful and detailed illustration of the characters' burrow. Children can use this play scene to create their own adventures with their favorite characters from the show.
One of the unique features of the Peter Rabbit Play Pack is the inclusion of a reusable sticker sheet. The sheet contains a variety of reusable stickers featuring the characters from the show, as well as other elements of the world of Peter Rabbit, such as vegetables from Mr. McGregor's garden. Children can use these stickers to create their own scenes and stories, or to decorate their own belongings.
Overall, the Peter Rabbit Play Pack from Nickelodeon is a fun and engaging way for children to interact with the world of Peter Rabbit. With a variety of activities and a reusable sticker sheet, children can use their imagination and creativity to create their own adventures with their favorite characters from the show. The Play Pack is a great choice for parents looking for a fun and educational activity for their children.
Peter Rabbit, Play Pack is a series that ran for 1 seasons (4 episodes) between February 21, 2013 and on Nickelodeon