Pete Versus Life is a British comedy television series that premiered on 6 August 2010 on Channel 4. This show centered around a character named Pete Griffiths, who sees himself as the unluckiest guy in the world. Pete's life is a constant struggle, and he is always on the lookout for ways to improve it.
The show features actor Rafe Spall playing the lead role of Pete Griffiths, a sportswriter who is slightly awkward and struggles to deal with everyday situations. Sorcha Cusack plays his mother, while Pippa Duffy portrays his pregnant girlfriend, Nicola.
In the show, the viewers follow Pete as he navigates through the challenges of his life. He faces a random selection of challenges as he attempts to make sense out of his complicated life. Along with his best friend, Ollie (played by Oliver Maltman), Pete finds ways to handle everyday curveballs thrown at him.
The episodes begin with Pete discussing his thoughts about life while sitting on his sofa in his living room, speaking directly to the camera in the classic
CastSorcha CusackPippa Duffy
Premiere DateAugust 6, 2010
IMDB Rating7.9 (26)
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