Watch Persona 4 The Animation
- TV-14
- 2011
- 2 Seasons
7.5 (1,093)
Persona 4 The Animation is an anime series based on the popular video game of the same name. The show premiered in Japan in 2011 and ran until 2012, with a total of 25 episodes. The story follows a high school student named Yu Narukami, who transfers to a new school in the rural town of Inaba. After arriving in Inaba, Yu discovers a mysterious world inside the televisions of the town, known as the TV World. Together with his classmates, Yu sets out to investigate the world and the strange incidents that have been occurring in Inaba.
The show is a coming-of-age story that explores themes of friendship, identity, and self-discovery. Each episode focuses on one of Yu's classmates and their journey towards finding their true selves. The characters are all well-developed, and the show does an excellent job of balancing humor and drama.
The main attraction of the series is the use of Personas, which are the physical manifestations of each character's inner self. Each Persona has its unique abilities and represents the character's hidden strengths and weaknesses. The show uses Persona battles to represent the characters' internal struggles, making for a unique and engaging story.
The animation style is vibrant, using bright colors and dynamic camera angles to create an immersive world. The character designs are faithful to the original game, and the voice acting is top-notch, with Rie Kugimiya giving an outstanding performance as the protagonist, Yu Narukami.
One of the standout aspects of Persona 4 The Animation is the music. The show features a fantastic soundtrack, with catchy pop tunes and an epic orchestral score that adds to the emotional impact of the story. The show's opening theme, "Pursuing My True Self," is an earworm that will stick with you long after you finish the series.
Overall, Persona 4 The Animation is a fantastic adaptation of the video game. It captures the essence of the game and expands upon it, making for an excellent standalone story. The show is a must-watch for fans of the Persona series, as well as anyone looking for an engaging coming-of-age story.