Pearlie Season 1 Episode 2
Season 1

Ep 2. Dial a Dilemma;Throwing Down

  • TV-G
  • October 4, 2009
  • 24 min

Pearlie is a magical place, inhabited by a group of magical creatures called park fairies. Pearlie is in charge of the park fairies and has been bestowed with a magic wand that can solve all their problems. The show revolves around Pearlie and her friends as they go about their daily lives in the park and tackle the various problems that arise.

In season 1 episode 2, "Dial a Dilemma; Throwing Down", Pearlie and her friends are faced with two separate dilemmas. In the first half of the episode, the park fairies are all stressing out because they can't decide what to eat for dinner. Pearlie decides to help them out by calling the "Dial a Dilemma" hotline. The hotline gives her a series of questions to answer, which ultimately leads to the park fairies making a decision on what to eat. However, when they receive their food, they realize that it wasn't what they were expecting and are disappointed. Pearlie and her friends quickly come up with a plan to fix the situation and provide the park fairies with a satisfying meal.

In the second half of the episode, the park fairies are participating in a game of frisbee. However, the game turns competitive and the park fairies are no longer playing fair. Pearlie and her friends try to intervene, but their attempts to get everyone to calm down are unsuccessful. It isn't until something unexpected happens that the park fairies come to their senses and realize that playing fair is the most important thing.

Overall, "Dial a Dilemma; Throwing Down" is an episode that teaches important lessons about decision making and playing fair. The park fairies are shown to be relatable characters that face everyday problems, making the show enjoyable for viewers of all ages. The animation is colorful and vibrant, adding to the show's whimsical and magical atmosphere. The show is a great option for children who enjoy shows about magical creatures and life lessons.

Watch Pearlie - Dial a Dilemma;Throwing Down (s1 e2) Online - Watch online anytime: Stream, Download, Buy, Rent
Pearlie, Season 1 Episode 2, is available to watch free on Pluto TV and stream on Ten. You can also stream, download, buy, rent Pearlie on demand at Amazon Prime, Amazon, Apple TV online.
  • First Aired
    October 4, 2009
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    24 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    0.0  (0)