Ep 23. Mail Mayhem
- April 9, 2015
- 20 min
The show Pawn Stars, in its eleventh season, episode twenty-three, "Mail Mayhem," follows the Harrison family and team as they inspect a wide range of items brought in by customers looking to sell or pawn their special items. The episode explores some unique and rare artifacts that lead to interesting negotiations between the pawn shop owner and customer.
The episode opens with the team greeting a customer who walks in with a wooden sign, which reads "Bell Telephone Company." The wooden sign, made by skilled craftsmen, was commissioned by the Bell Telephone Company to promote their service in local areas. The customer claims to have found the piece in his grandfather's basement and is looking to sell the piece. However, the price he has in mind is way too high for the pawn shop's owner, Rick Harrison, and lead to a negotiation that grips the audience.
Next, a customer walks in with a peculiar-looking helmet. The helmet is green and has a tinted visor that looks like one used by motorcycle racers. However, this one is marked as something entirely different, and the customer wants to prove its authenticity. When the helmet is taken back to the shop, a heated debate ensues, leading to the team seeking out experts to examine it further and determine its value.
As the episode progresses, a customer comes in with a collection of old license plates. Among them is an original 1914 Texas license plate, which is a rare find for the shop. To assess the authenticity of the plates, Rick consults an expert. The specialist inspects the plates closely, revealing their origins and value in the process. The negotiation that follows is captivating, with the customer ultimately agreeing to sell the collection.
The Pawn Stars team then receives an intriguing package which contained a letter with a special bullet inside. The letter is dated back to the time of the famous WWI battle called the Battle of Verdun. The bullet is marked as the one that missed the soldier who wrote the letter. The team is fascinated with the letter and the bullet and wants to know if the letter and the bullet were truly from the Battle of Verdun. Rick contacts a specialist in WWI artifacts to verify the authenticity of the letter and bullet.
The show Pawn Stars season 11 episode 23, "Mail Mayhem," explores a wide variety of artifacts, from antique trinkets to military memorabilia and beyond. The episode showcases the unique skills and knowledge of Rick Harrison, who expertly navigates the negotiations with customers, making sure he obtains quality pieces at fair prices while maintaining the pawn shop's profitability. The action in each negotiation keeps the audience hooked to see if Rick and his team are able to get the best deals for the items or not.
In conclusion, the show Pawn Stars season 11 episode 23, "Mail Mayhem," offers an entertaining and informative look into the world of pawning and antique collection. With unique pieces of history and priceless artifacts coming through the store's doors, Rick Harrison and his team have to decide which items to keep and which ones to let go. The episode is a great watch for anyone interested in antiques and history.