Paternity Court Season 6 Episode 41
Paternity Court
Season 6

Ep 41. Jordan vs. Heim

  • TV-PG
  • November 7, 2018
  • 19 min

In Paternity Court season 6 episode 41, entitled "Jordan vs. Heim," a young woman named Jordan comes to court seeking a paternity test for her one-year-old daughter. Jordan had a short-lived relationship with a man named Heim, but he denies being the father of her child. Jordan claims that Heim was the only man she was intimate with during the time of conception, but he insists that he used protection and that he had no reason to believe that Jordan could be pregnant with his child.

As the case unfolds, it becomes clear that there is a lot of anger and animosity between Jordan and Heim. They hurl insults at each other and refuse to compromise or work together to resolve the issue at hand. Jordan is emotional and short-tempered, prone to fits of crying and shouting, while Heim is defensive and dismissive, refusing to take responsibility for his actions or even acknowledge the possibility that he could be the father of Jordan's child. Throughout the episode, the judge tries to mediate between the two parties, encouraging them to listen to each other and remain calm despite their differences.

The case takes an unexpected turn when it is revealed that Heim has a criminal record. Jordan claims that he has a history of drug abuse and violence, and that she is afraid of what he might do if he gains access to her child. Heim denies these accusations, but the judge takes them seriously and asks him to explain his behavior and his past. Heim becomes defensive and agitated, refusing to answer questions and insisting that his past has nothing to do with the paternity of Jordan's child.

As the episode comes to a close, the judge announces the results of the paternity test. While the outcome is not revealed, the tension between Jordan and Heim is palpable. They continue to argue and accuse each other of wrongdoing, even as the judge tries to persuade them to focus on the well-being of their child. Ultimately, it is unclear whether they will be able to co-parent effectively or if their animosity will only intensify in the wake of the paternity test results.

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  • First Aired
    November 7, 2018
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    19 min
  • Language