Paternity Court Season 6 Episode 34
Paternity Court
Season 6

Ep 34. Dixon vs. Hunt

  • TV-PG
  • October 29, 2018
  • 19 min

Dixon vs. Hunt is an episode from the sixth season of Paternity Court that follows the case of a single mother named Kimberly Dixon who is trying to establish paternity for her son. The alleged father, Anthony Hunt, denies being the biological father and refuses to take a DNA test.

Kimberly and Anthony met through mutual friends, and they engaged in a casual sexual relationship for a few months. When Kimberly became pregnant, Anthony broke off all contact with her and refused to provide any financial or emotional support for the child. Kimberly is now seeking justice and wants Anthony to acknowledge his responsibility as the father of her child.

The episode begins with Judge Lauren Lake introducing Kimberly and Anthony and asking them to share their side of the story. Kimberly states that Anthony is the only man she had sex with during the time she got pregnant, and she has no doubt that he is the father of her son. She also expresses disappointment that Anthony has not shown any interest in getting to know his son and has not made any attempt to provide any support.

Anthony, on the other hand, denies having any sexual relationship with Kimberly and insists that he is not the father of her child. He argues that Kimberly is making false accusations against him and is only trying to extort money from him. He also mentions that he has a girlfriend and does not want any complications in his life.

Judge Lake then calls on witness testimonies to determine the truth behind the conflicting claims. Kimberly's friend and coworker testify that Kimberly and Anthony were in a sexual relationship and that Anthony knew about the pregnancy. They also mention that Anthony had several opportunities to take responsibility but chose to ignore Kimberly's messages and calls.

Anthony's friend and coworker testify that they never saw or heard about Anthony being involved with Kimberly. They also suggest that Kimberly may have slept with other men during the same period and that Anthony should not be held responsible without concrete evidence.

The episode then focuses on the DNA test results, which are expected to bring closure to the case. Judge Lake explains that the DNA test is the most accurate way to prove paternity, and both parties must accept the results as final. She also highlights the repercussions of denying paternity, such as contempt of court charges, penalties, and loss of legal rights.

The DNA test results reveal that Anthony is indeed the biological father of Kimberly's son, and Judge Lake confirms the verdict in favor of Kimberly. She orders Anthony to pay child support and establish a parenting plan with Kimberly to ensure the welfare of the child. She also encourages Anthony to bond with his son and take responsibility for his actions.

The episode ends with Kimberly expressing relief that justice was served, and Anthony acknowledging his mistakes and promising to make amends. Judge Lake reminds both parties that the well-being of the child should be their priority and encourages them to work together to provide a secure and healthy environment for the child to grow.

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  • First Aired
    October 29, 2018
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    19 min
  • Language