Paternity Court Season 6 Episode 29
Paternity Court
Season 6

Ep 29. Porter-Atkins vs. Fisher

  • TV-PG
  • October 15, 2018
  • 19 min

Porter-Atkins vs. Fisher is the 29th episode of season 6 of Paternity Court. This episode follows the case of a young couple, Jordan Porter-Atkins and Sean Fisher, who are desperate to prove the paternity of their child.

Jordan and Sean were in a tumultuous relationship when Jordan became pregnant. Sean initially denied being the father of the child, but as the due date approached, he started to have doubts.

The couple decided to take a paternity test, but the results were inconclusive. This only added to their frustration and anxiety, as they desperately wanted to know the truth.

Jordan and Sean decided to take their case to Paternity Court, hoping to get a definitive answer once and for all. The court proceedings began with Judge Lauren Lake hearing from Jordan and Sean, who both claimed that the other was lying.

As the case progressed, it became apparent that there were several factors that could complicate the paternity test results. For starters, Jordan had slept with another man around the same time she conceived. Additionally, Sean had a history of substance abuse, which could affect his sperm count and therefore the likelihood of him being the biological father.

The testimony from witnesses was equally confusing. Jordan's mother testified that Sean had once claimed to be the father of the child, but had later retracted his statement. Meanwhile, Sean's brother claimed that Jordan had lied about the paternity of the child in order to trap Sean into a relationship.

The court proceedings were tense, with Jordan and Sean both becoming emotional at times. Jordan struggled to contain her anger towards Sean, while Sean became increasingly upset at the possibility of not being the father of the child he had grown to love.

Judge Lake acted as a calming influence, asking probing questions and ensuring that both sides had an opportunity to be heard. She also stressed the importance of the child's welfare, reminding Jordan and Sean that regardless of the outcome of the paternity test, they needed to prioritize the child's needs.

Eventually, the paternity test results were revealed. The tension in the courtroom was palpable, as everyone waited for the outcome. When Judge Lake disclosed the results, there were tears, hugs, and a sense of relief.

Without giving away any spoilers, Porter-Atkins vs. Fisher is a compelling episode of Paternity Court. It highlights the emotional toll that paternity disputes can take on families, and underscores the importance of finding the truth for the sake of all involved. Judge Lake's compassionate handling of the case makes for compelling viewing, and viewers will be left on the edge of their seats until the end.

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  • First Aired
    October 15, 2018
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    19 min
  • Language