Paternity Court Season 6 Episode 26
Paternity Court
Season 6

Ep 26. Graham vs. Scott

  • TV-PG
  • October 9, 2018
  • 19 min

In episode 26 of season 6 of Paternity Court, the case of Graham vs. Scott is presented to Judge Lauren Lake. Graham brings Scott to Paternity Court to determine if he is the biological father of her daughter, Kassidy. Graham and Scott's relationship started as a one-night stand, and after finding out she was pregnant, Graham attempted to contact Scott for support but was unsuccessful.

Judge Lake invites Graham and Scott to share their stories and any evidence they have to support their claims. Graham testifies that she had a history of ovarian cysts and that she was not trying to have a child at the time she met Scott. She also says that she contacted Scott numerous times with no response. Additionally, Graham presents pictures of her daughter, Kassidy, and explains that she looks just like Scott.

Scott shares a different side of the story, stating that he was in a relationship when he had sex with Graham and that she knew this. He also claims that Graham never told him she was pregnant, and therefore, he had no idea he could potentially be the father of her child.

Judge Lake proceeds to ask Scott about his relationship with Graham leading up to the one-night stand, and Scott reveals that he never intended for it to be anything more than just a fling. Additionally, he admits that he did receive Graham's messages but ignored them because he did not want to get involved.

After hearing both sides of the story and examining the evidence, Judge Lake orders a paternity test to determine the biological father of Kassidy. While waiting for the results, Judge Lake emphasizes the importance of fathers being involved in their children's lives and stresses that it's not just about financial support but also emotional support.

When the results of the paternity test are revealed, the courtroom is left stunned. Without giving any spoilers, it's safe to say that the outcome of the case is unexpected. Judge Lake offers advice and guidance to the parties on how to move forward regardless of the results.

Overall, this episode of Paternity Court highlights the importance of communication and being aware of the potential consequences of one's actions. It also brings attention to the responsibility and importance of being an involved father, and the emotional impact it has on children when fathers are not present in their lives.

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  • First Aired
    October 9, 2018
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    19 min
  • Language