Paranormal Egypt is a thrilling reality TV program that follows the journey of a group of paranormal experts and Egyptologists as they explore the historic and mystical land of Egypt. The show is produced and aired by XiveTV and it stars Tessa Dunlop, Derek Acorah, and Ramy Romany, who are all well-known for their expertise in their respective fields.
The show is set in some of the most ancient and mysterious sites in Egypt, including the Great Pyramid of Giza, Luxor Temple, and the Valley of Kings. The team investigates a broad range of paranormal phenomena, from ghost sightings and hauntings to unexplained events and supernatural occurrences.
The team is led by Derek Acorah, a renowned medium who has gained worldwide recognition for his ability to communicate with the spirit world. He shares his knowledge and insights into the paranormal world, explaining the theories behind the various phenomena being experienced by the team.
Tessa Dunlop, a historian and writer, provides a much-needed historical perspective to the show. With her expertise, she sheds light on the myths and legends that surround the ancient Egyptian civilization, adding depth and richness to the team
Paranormal Egypt is a series that ran for 1 seasons (8 episodes) between August 8, 2008 and on XiveTV
Premiere DateAugust 8, 2008
IMDB Rating3.8 (30)
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