Watch Our Wild Life
- 2018
- 1 Season
Our Wild Life is a popular reality TV show that premiered on TLC in 2018. The show follows the lives of the Busch family, who have dedicated their lives to rescuing and taking care of animals in need. The Busch family, who reside in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, consists of Tom and his wife, Liz, along with their three biological children, Danielle, Corbin, and Kyle, and their eight adopted children from various parts of the world. Along with their human family members, the Busch family also shares their home with over 80 animals, ranging from domestic pets to exotic animals, such as llamas, kangaroos, and even a sloth.
Each episode of Our Wild Life takes the viewers through the daily routines of the Busch family, which revolve around caring for their animals. From feeding and grooming to providing medical attention, the family's daily challenges are as unique as their pets. The show provides a window into their lifestyle and the challenges they face as they balance their responsibilities towards their animals with running their business.
Tom and Liz have been involved in animal rescue efforts since before their marriage, and they have turned their passion into a full-time business that has been running for over 20 years. They own the Saved By the Wild sanctuary, which is home to over forty rescue animals. Through their sanctuary and appearance on the show, they hope to raise awareness about animal welfare and the importance of providing animals with a proper environment to live in.
Besides the Busch family, the show also features guests who offer insights into the daily challenges of working with animals. These guests include veterinarians, animal trainers, and volunteers who work at the sanctuary. Each episode of Our Wild Life is unique in its own way, and the show keeps the viewers engaged with the various storylines that the animals bring with them.
One of the key aspects of the show is the bond that the Busch family shares with their pets. The show highlights the apprehensions of adopting animals with unique needs and how these needs can create exceptional bonds between animals and humans. The show also highlights the importance of understanding diversity and the need to open our hearts and homes to create a more inclusive society for all kinds of animals.
Another important aspect of the show is the Busch family's sense of community. The show brings to light how the family has given back to their community by initiating animal welfare projects and connecting with other animal rescue organizations. They have a membership system wherein people can visit the sanctuary and make a difference by donating and volunteering their time to work with the animals.
One of the most loved aspects of the show is the humor that the Busch family brings with them. The family has an incredible sense of humor and a unique way of handling their daily challenges. They are affectionate and kind-hearted, and their love for their animals is evident in every episode.
In conclusion, Our Wild Life is a show that showcases the unique bond between the Busch family and their 90 plus pets. It is a wholesome show that highlights the importance of treating animals with love and respect. The show brings awareness to the importance of animal welfare and the joys and challenges of working with animals in a unique and heartwarming way. Our Wild Life is a show that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and has something for everyone to learn and enjoy.
Our Wild Life is a series that ran for 1 seasons (6 episodes) between May 22, 2018 and on TLC