Open Door Season 1 Episode 3
Open Door
Season 1

Ep 3. A Hilarious Tour of Robert Downey Jr's Hamptons Home

  • October 30, 2017

In season 1 episode 3 of Open Door, viewers are taken on a hilarious tour of Robert Downey Jr.'s stunning Hamptons home. The episode starts with a brief introduction of the actor and his colorful career before diving into the beautiful property.

Robert Downey Jr.'s house is a sight to behold, nestled on acres of lush greenery and overlooking the stunning Atlantic Ocean. As the tour begins, viewers get a sense of the actor's unique style with quirky decor items scattered around the house.

The highlight of the episode is Downey Jr.'s one-of-a-kind art collection that includes eclectic works of art from around the world. Downey Jr. shares his passion for art, revealing how he collected them, including how he came to acquire some of his most prized pieces.

But, this episode of Open Door isn't just about showcasing the beautiful property and its contents. It's also about laughing and having fun with the actor as he takes viewers on a tour that is as unpredictable as it is entertaining.

Downey Jr. pulls out all the stops, showing off his amazing kitchen, a beautiful outdoor space that is perfect for entertaining, and a gym and yoga studio where he likes to stay fit. He discusses his daily routine, his views on exercise, and how he unwinds after a long day of work.

Throughout the episode, viewers get to see the actor's sense of humor in full flow. Downey Jr. cracks jokes, makes witty remarks, and generally exudes joy as he takes viewers through his stunning Hamptons property.

As the episode comes to a close, viewers are left with a sense of awe and delight at the beautiful space that Robert Downey Jr. has created for himself in the Hamptons. But more than that, they also get to see a side of the actor that they may not have seen before - his lighthearted and humorous side.

Overall, season 1 episode 3 of Open Door provides an insightful, funny, and entertaining look into Robert Downey Jr.'s world that fans of the actor and architecture enthusiasts alike are sure to enjoy.

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  • First Aired
    October 30, 2017
  • Language