Odd Squad Season 1 Episode 39
Odd Squad
Season 1

Ep 39. Olive und Otto in Schmummernland (1 / 2)

  • December 1, 2015
  • 21 min

In "Odd Squad" season 1 episode 39 titled "Olive und Otto in Schmummernland (1/2)," Olive and Otto are sent to a "dream world" called Schmummernland to retrieve a stolen gadget that causes people to fall into an endless sleep. In this enchanting land, they meet a man named Otto who is the King of the land and is suffering from the same sleep spell that the people of Schmummernland are under. The team quickly finds themselves in the middle of a mystery when they realize that there is a culprit that is sabotaging the citizens of Schmummernland.

Olive, Otto, and Otto begin their investigation by searching for clues throughout the whimsical Schmummernland. They encounter strange creatures, such as walking clocks and floating pianos, that challenge them at every turn. The trio also learns that they must solve the mystery and retrieve the missing gadget before the inhabitants of Schmummernland fall into an eternal sleep.

As they go deeper into their investigation, the team discovers that the culprit behind the strange occurrences in Schmummernland is a mysterious figure named "The Sandman." They must now figure out who this enigmatic character is and stop him before it's too late.

Throughout the episode, Olive and Otto rely on their detective skills and quick thinking to solve the case. Their bond is further strengthened as they work together in this fantastical world to bring a happy ending to the dream world of Schmummernland.

In conclusion, "Odd Squad" season 1 episode 39 presents an exciting adventure for Olive and Otto as they enter a dream world and unravel the mystery of the stolen gadget. The episode showcases the importance of teamwork, problem-solving, and using critical thinking skills to overcome obstacles. With its whimsical setting and engaging plotline, this episode is sure to capture the imagination of both kids and adults alike.

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  • First Aired
    December 1, 2015
  • Runtime
    21 min
  • Language