Now That's History!

Watch Now That's History!

  • 2013
  • 1 Season

Now That's History! is a historical television series from FilmRise that takes its viewers on a fascinating journey through time, exploring significant moments in history that have shaped the world as we know it today. Hosted by Timothy Spall and featuring interviews with various experts and enthusiasts, the show brings history to life in an engaging and entertaining way.

Each episode of Now That's History! focuses on a different topic, from battles and revolutions to fashion and technology. One episode might explore the life of a famous historical figure, while another delves into a significant event or period in history. What makes the show truly unique, however, is the way it incorporates pop culture and entertainment into its storytelling.

In addition to interviews with historians and experts, each episode of Now That's History! features commentary from guests who can offer a fresh perspective on the topic at hand. For example, Boy George appears on an episode about the music and fashion of the 1980s, sharing his own experiences and memories of that era. These guest appearances help to create a sense of connection between past and present, highlighting the ways in which historical events and trends continue to influence our culture today.

Despite its focus on pop culture and entertainment, Now That's History! does not shy away from difficult or controversial topics. The show tackles issues such as slavery, war, and political upheaval with sensitivity and thoughtfulness, providing viewers with a deeper understanding of the complexities of history.

One of the strengths of Now That's History! is the way it blends different forms of storytelling to create a rich and engaging narrative. Archival footage, historical reenactments, and interviews with experts are all used to great effect, weaving together a tapestry of history that is both informative and entertaining. The show also incorporates graphics and animations to help illustrate complex ideas and make history more accessible to a wider audience.

Another notable aspect of Now That's History! is the quality of its production values. The show is beautifully shot and edited, with a cinematic feel that sets it apart from other historical documentaries on television. The attention to detail in the set design and costumes adds to the overall sense of immersion, transporting viewers back in time to witness these significant moments in history firsthand.

Overall, Now That's History! is a must-watch for anyone with an interest in history, pop culture, or entertainment. The show's unique approach to storytelling makes it both informative and engaging, offering a fresh perspective on the events and trends that have shaped our world. From the music and fashion of the 1980s to the political upheavals of the past century, Now That's History! takes viewers on a journey through time that is both entertaining and enlightening.

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20. 2001
January 1, 2013
Tamsin Greig returns to narrate an episode on 2001, a year that saw changes in global politics. George W. Bush became America's 43rd president and the first with a criminal record. On September 11th, two planes crashed into the World Trade Center, bringing down both of its towers. And in Argentina, the economy collapsed, causing violent riots throughout the country.
19. 1994
January 1, 2013
Narrated by Juliet Stevenson, this episode centers on 1994, a year in which the Balkans conflict continued, Berlusconi was elected as Italian prime minister and Yeltsin declared war on Chechnya as they declared independence from Russia.
18. 1991
January 1, 2013
Jazzie B narrates this episode about 1991, a year of heroes, villains and the resilience of ordinary people. Operation Desert Storm began in response to Saddam Hussein invading oil-rich neighbor Kuwait. 15 years of crop circles, thought to be from outer space, were revealed as fakes by two elderly gentlemen. And the conflicts in the Balkans and the USSR began.
17. 1984
January 1, 2013
Alison Steadman returns to narrate this episode focusing on 1984, a year dominated by the Cold War between America and the Soviet Union. Mahatma Ghandi was assassinated in India. Televised pictures from Ethiopia began to emerge, depicting people suffering from starvation. DNA profiling was discovered. And Margaret Thatcher continued to battle the trade unions, insisting they had too much power.
16. 1999
January 1, 2013
Robert Lindsay returns to narrate an episode about 1999, a year of extremes and the dawn of a new era. In Russia, Yeltsin caused constitutional and political turmoil by firing his government for the fourth time in 18 months, 11 countries in Europe began using the newly formed Euro as currency and devolution gave Scotland and Wales autonomy.
15. 1993
January 1, 2013
Miranda Richardson returns to narrate an episode on 1993, the year she won a BAFTA for "Damage." It was also the year that saw the beginning of several peace agreements. In America, President Bill Clinton held a meeting between the PLO and Israel to broker a peace agreement. And Yeltsin was responsible for stopping civil war in Russia when pro-Communists tried to overthrow the leader.
14. 2000
January 1, 2013
Alison Steadman narrates this episode dealing with 2000, which brought in a new era with the same old problems. Clinton may have been on his way out of office, but he still had a few things left on his agenda. The dot-com bubble burst, the Queen Mum turned 100 and the Millennium Dome fell into financial misery weeks after opening.
13. 1989
January 1, 2013
Jazzie B narrates this episode on 1989, a year in which her group, Soul II Soul, topped the charts with "Back to Life." It was also a year of political and social change. Eastern Europe saw communism crumble. In the UK, the Guildford Four were released after 15 years in jail. And in China, students took their campaign for democracy to the streets.
12. 1998
January 1, 2013
Meera Syal returns, narrating this episode on 1998, a year of terrorism and high-profile indiscretions. George Michael was arrested in a toilet in North London, Ron Davies, MP, resigned from parliament after "a moment of madness" on Clapham Common and Bill Clinton lied under oath by claiming he did not have sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky.
11. 1983
January 1, 2013
Timothy Spall narrates this episode on 1983, a year dominated by the tension between two superpowers. In response to the shocking events over Japan, America announced its "Star Wars" project. It was created to defend the States from Soviet nuclear attacks. The US embassy was attacked in Beirut, killing 63 people. And Klaus Barbie finally went to trial for war crimes committed 40 years earlier.
10. 1996
January 1, 2013
Paul McGann narrates this episode dealing with 1996, a year when changes didn't live up to expectations. The Russian presidential elections saw an old enemy reappear. In America, another presidential election was taking an unexpected turn. And in a small Scottish town, Thomas Hamilton went on a shooting spree at a primary school in Dunblane.
9. 1988
January 1, 2013
Miranda Richardson narrates this episode highlighting 1988, a year of terrorism and heroic acts. The IRA moved its violent campaign from the UK mainland to a UK colony, Gibraltar. NASA rebooted its space program with the spaceship, Discovery, at a cost of $ 2 billion. And for the first time, Ronald Reagan set foot in Russia, a country he once called "the evil empire."
8. 1995
January 1, 2013
In this episode, Boy George narrates a few major events of 1995. Microsoft launched Word 95, eBay traded for the first time and alcopops aimed their ads at the people who wouldn't usually drink alcohol. The O.J. Simpson trial was in full swing in front of the world's cameras. And Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat hoped to bring peace to the Middle East.
7. 1987
January 1, 2013
Paul McGann narrates this episode on 1987, which is remembered for a storm as well as a fluctuating economy. Huge risks were taken on the stock market as the world's economy seemed to be on a high. However, on October 19, the stock markets worldwide crashed and shares lost billions in value over a short period. And a Hurricane in the UK caused millions of pounds' worth of damage.
6. 1992
January 1, 2013
Juliet Stevenson narrates this episode on 1992, a year of unification, celebration and revelation. The Queen's 40th year on the throne threw up more revelations than celebrations. Presidents George Bush and Boris Yeltsin declared a new era of friendship and partnership as they officially ended the Cold War. The year also saw presidential elections in the US.
5. 1986
January 1, 2013
In 1986, Robert Lindsay, who narrates this episode, tripped the light fantastic for the first time on Broadway in "Me and My Girl." America launched Challenger, their flagship space shuttle. Margaret Thatcher's plan to build a Channel Tunnel was met with stiff public opposition. These are just a few of the events that took place this year.
4. 1997
January 1, 2013
Narrating this episode of "Now That's History!" Timothy Spall walks us through the memories of 1997, which saw Tony Blair secure office as prime minister and the United Kingdom hand back sovereignty of Hong Kong to China.
3. 1985
January 1, 2013
Boy George narrates this episode focusing on 1985, a year that sowed the seeds of change in politics, technology and race relations worldwide. Ronald Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev and Clive Sinclair are just a few of the key players for this year.
2. 1990
January 1, 2013
1990 was the year Meera Syal, narrating this episode, wrote a black comedy sketch show. It was also the year that saw the end of apartheid, the Cold War and Margaret Thatcher.
1. 1982
January 1, 2013
Tamsin Greig narrates this episode on 1982, a year of political, economic and social turmoil. Margaret Thatcher was in power, facing uphill struggles that would define her first term. In Argentina, the dispute over the Falkland Islands escalated, resulting in a 74-day war. In the UK, miners, nurses and transport workers were striking in droves. These major events and more were happening in 1982.
  • Premiere Date
    January 1, 2013