NOVA Season 36 Episode 16
Season 36

Ep 16. Hubble's Amazing Race

  • October 13, 2009

In NOVA season 36 episode 16, titled "Hubble's Amazing Race," viewers are taken on a journey through the history and legacy of the Hubble Space Telescope. With stunning visuals and expert interviews, the episode explores the incredible scientific discoveries made possible by Hubble's groundbreaking technology.

From its launch in 1990 to its final servicing in 2009, Hubble has captured breathtaking images of the cosmos, revealing insights into the formation of galaxies, stars, and even the universe itself. But creating the Hubble telescope was no easy feat, and "Hubble's Amazing Race" takes viewers behind the scenes to explore the challenges and triumphs of designing, building, and launching one of NASA's most impressive spacecraft.

The episode begins by tracing the history of telescope technology, with scientists and engineers discussing the evolution of telescopes from the earliest spyglasses to modern-day space observatories. From there, the focus shifts to the design and construction of Hubble, with interviews with key figures who were instrumental in bringing the project to life.

Throughout the episode, Hubble's incredible images of the cosmos are woven into the narrative, showcasing the stunning beauty and scientific significance of the telescope's discoveries. Viewers are introduced to researchers who have used Hubble to study everything from black holes and dark matter to the formation of planetary systems and the origins of the universe itself.

The episode also explores the challenges of maintaining and servicing such a complex scientific instrument. Viewers are taken through the dramatic story of the 1993 mission to repair the faulty optics that initially plagued the telescope, as well as the three subsequent servicing missions that extended Hubble's lifespan and allowed for even more groundbreaking discoveries to be made.

Ultimately, "Hubble's Amazing Race" is a celebration of one of humanity's greatest scientific achievements, a testament to the power of technology, curiosity, and human ingenuity. With stunning imagery, expert interviews, and engaging storytelling, the episode leaves viewers inspired by the possibilities of space exploration and the quest to explore the mysteries of the universe.

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  • First Aired
    October 13, 2009
  • Language