NOVA Season 36 Episode 15
Season 36

Ep 15. Doctor's Diaries

  • TV-PG
  • April 14, 2009
  • 106 min
  • 7.9  (25)

Doctor's Diaries follows the lives of four physicians as they work on the front lines of medicine, each facing unique challenges in their daily practice. From an internist in rural Maine to a pediatric neurosurgeon in Arizona, viewers get an inside look at the experiences and dilemmas that physicians encounter.

The episode begins with Dr. John Pepple, an internist in rural Maine who treats patients from all walks of life in a small clinic. Because of the remote location, many of his patients have limited access to healthcare and transportation, so Dr. Pepple's clinic offers a crucial service to the community. Despite the challenges of working in a rural area, Dr. Pepple is passionate about his work and dedicated to providing the best possible care to his patients.

Next, viewers are introduced to Dr. Rebecca Smith-Coggins, an emergency medicine physician at Stanford University Medical Center in California. Dr. Smith-Coggins works in a fast-paced, high-pressure environment where the stakes are always high. She is responsible for making critical decisions on a daily basis, often in a matter of seconds. Despite the intensity of her work, Dr. Smith-Coggins remains calm and focused, relying on her experience and training to guide her decisions.

The episode then turns to Dr. William White, a pediatric neurosurgeon at Phoenix Children's Hospital in Arizona. Dr. White specializes in treating infants and children with brain injuries, a challenging and emotionally difficult field. He is often faced with difficult decisions, such as whether to perform a risky surgery or wait and see if the child's condition improves on its own. Through it all, Dr. White remains committed to providing the best possible care to his young patients and their families.

Finally, viewers meet Dr. Julie Huang, a family medicine physician in Boston, Massachusetts. Dr. Huang treats patients of all ages, from newborns to the elderly, and often focuses on preventive care and wellness. She works to build strong relationships with her patients, getting to know them on a personal level so that she can provide the best possible care. Despite the stresses of managing a busy practice, Dr. Huang remains focused on her patients and their needs.

Throughout the episode, viewers gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and rewards of practicing medicine. From the importance of building relationships with patients to the difficulty of making life-or-death decisions, the show offers an inside look at the realities of medical practice. The episode also delves into the personal lives of the featured physicians, exploring the ways in which they balance the demands of their jobs with their families, hobbies, and other interests.

Overall, Doctor's Diaries is a thought-provoking and engaging look at the world of medicine. Through the experiences of four dedicated physicians, viewers gain a new appreciation for the work that doctors do and the challenges they face on a daily basis. The episode highlights the importance of compassion, dedication, and skill in the practice of medicine, and offers a glimpse into the lives of those who are committed to healing and helping others.

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  • First Aired
    April 14, 2009
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    106 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.9  (25)