NOVA Season 35 Episode 8
Season 35

Ep 8. Absolute Zero: The Conquest of Cold

  • January 8, 2008
  • 8.1  (61)

In season 35 of NOVA, episode 8 is titled "Absolute Zero: The Conquest of Cold." In this episode, viewers explore the fascinating world of the coldest temperatures possible and the scientists who are dedicated to understanding cold and its effect on matter and energy.

Throughout the episode, viewers join a team of scientists on a journey into the depths of the universe's coldest places. Along the way, they see the cutting-edge technology these scientists use to study matter at these ultra-cold temperatures and participate in their experiments.

The episode begins by exploring the origins of temperature measurement and the discovery of absolute zero. From there, viewers learn how scientists have been trying to reach absolute zero for centuries, with the hope of unlocking new scientific discoveries about matter and energy.

One of the main focuses of the episode is on the scientists' search for the Bose-Einstein condensate, a state of matter that only exists at extremely low temperatures. Through experiments, viewers witness how scientists were finally able to create this elusive state of matter and what it means for our understanding of the universe.

Throughout the episode, viewers also learn about the various applications of cold temperature research, such as the development of superconductors and the study of quantum mechanics. Additionally, the episode explores the ethical considerations of this research, including the potential for misuse of cryogenic technologies.

Overall, "Absolute Zero: The Conquest of Cold" is a fascinating and informative episode that takes viewers on a journey through the history and science of ultra-cold temperatures. Through beautiful visuals and fascinating interviews with scientists, viewers are transported into the world of extreme cold and the amazing discoveries that await us there.

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  • First Aired
    January 8, 2008
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    8.1  (61)