NOVA Season 35 Episode 7
Season 35

Ep 7. Missing in MiG Alley

  • December 18, 2007

During the Korean War, pilots on both sides of the conflict engaged in intense aerial combat over the skies of MiG Alley. US pilots faced formidable opposition from Soviet-made MiG fighters flown by North Korean and Chinese pilots, resulting in heavy losses and a number of pilots missing in action. NOVA's season 35 episode 7, "Missing in MiG Alley," delves into the story of one of these missing pilots, US Air Force Lt. David Steeves, and the years-long search to uncover his fate.

The episode begins with a recounting of the intense dogfights that raged over MiG Alley during the Korean War. Veteran pilots describe the adrenaline-fueled chaos of aerial combat, as well as the fearsome capabilities of the MiG-15, which could outmaneuver and outgun many of the US planes. Against this backdrop, Lt. David Steeves, a young pilot fresh out of flight school, was sent to join the 4th Fighter Interceptor Wing in South Korea.

Steeves' first missions were harrowing, flying into enemy airspace and engaging in risky dogfights with MiGs. On a November day in 1952, Steeves was one of four pilots who flew a mission over North Korea. After the dogfight, Steeves' wingman saw his plane take enemy fire and crash. Despite extensive search efforts, Steeves was never found, and he was declared missing in action.

The search for Steeves' fate would take decades, starting with a handful of eyewitness and intelligence reports that suggested a few different scenarios. Some believed that Steeves had been captured by the Chinese and taken to a prisoner of war camp; others thought that he may have survived the crash and been living in hiding in China. Still others speculated that he had been killed in the crash and buried somewhere in North Korea.

The NOVA team travels to South Korea and China to investigate these various leads, talking to eyewitnesses and experts in the field. They also make use of cutting-edge technology, including forensic analysis and ground-penetrating radar, to try and uncover any clues about Steeves' fate.

Throughout the episode, the NOVA team is careful to balance the personal story of Steeves and his family, who long hoped for answers about his fate, with the larger geopolitical context of the Korean War and the ongoing tensions between the US and China. They also explore the challenges faced by military search and recovery operations, including the difficulty of navigating diplomatic barriers and dealing with incomplete or contradictory information.

Ultimately, "Missing in MiG Alley" is a compelling portrait of one young pilot's sacrifice and the enduring quest for answers by those who loved him. It sheds light on the often-hidden work of military search and recovery operations, and underscores the human costs of war and conflict.

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  • First Aired
    December 18, 2007
  • Language