NOVA Season 35 Episode 6
Season 35

Ep 6. Master of the Killer Ants

  • November 20, 2007

In the NOVA season 35 episode 6, titled "Master of the Killer Ants," viewers are taken on a journey through the Amazon rainforest to explore the complex world of ants and their relationships with their environment and each other.

At the heart of the episode is the story of biologist Mark Moffett, who has spent decades studying and documenting the behavior of ants in their natural habitat. Moffett is known for his work with some of the world's most fascinating ant species, including the "killer ants" (also known as army ants), which are capable of taking down prey much larger than themselves and even attacking humans in rare cases.

Throughout the episode, Moffett shares his insights into the unique social structures of ants and their remarkable ability to adapt to changing conditions. He describes how ants communicate with each other through chemical signals and work together in organized colonies to accomplish complex tasks like building nests and finding food.

Viewers are treated to stunning footage of ants in action, including the mesmerizing sight of a massive army ant swarm on the move. We also see how the ants interact with the other creatures that share their habitat, such as birds, monkeys, and even poison dart frogs.

Despite their tiny size, ants play a crucial role in the ecosystem of the rainforest. Moffett explains how they help to regulate the population of other insects, serve as a food source for larger animals, and even contribute to the health of the soil.

The episode also touches on the threats facing the Amazon rainforest and its inhabitants, from deforestation to climate change. Moffett argues that protecting the rainforest is crucial not only for its own sake, but for the millions of people who depend on it for its resources and ecological services.

Overall, "Master of the Killer Ants" is a fascinating and informative exploration of the complex world of ants and their role in the Amazon rainforest ecosystem. Through Moffett's research and passion for these tiny creatures, viewers gain a deeper appreciation for the intricacies and interconnections of the natural world.

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  • First Aired
    November 20, 2007
  • Language