NOVA Season 35 Episode 12
Season 35

Ep 12. Ape Genius

  • February 19, 2008
  • 7.7  (22)

In NOVA season 35 episode 12 titled "Ape Genius," the show explores the intelligence and cognitive abilities of apes. The episode follows a team of scientists who are studying the cognitive abilities of primates, including orangutans, chimpanzees, and bonobos, to better understand their complex mentalities and relationships.

Throughout the episode, viewers witness various experiments and tests that the scientists conduct on the apes. They use touchscreen computers and other tools to evaluate how the apes problem-solve, remember, and even use deception. The scientists also highlight the various social and emotional qualities that apes possess, such as empathy and care for their offspring.

A major focus of the episode is the language abilities of apes. The show features footage of Koko, a gorilla who famously learned to communicate through sign language. The scientists discuss the various challenges of studying language in apes and how it has led to a greater understanding of primate communication and the evolution of language within humans.

The episode also touches on the controversial topic of ape intelligence and how it is often attributed to their genetic similarity to humans. The scientists discuss the potential ethical implications of studying apes and the need for proper care and respect for these intelligent animals.

Throughout the episode, viewers are presented with a greater appreciation for the intelligence and complexity of apes. It sheds light on the need to protect these animals and their habitats, not just for their own sake but for the invaluable scientific knowledge they provide as well. Overall, "Ape Genius" is a fascinating exploration of how apes think and feel, and the impact that has on our own understanding of our primate cousins.

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  • First Aired
    February 19, 2008
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.7  (22)