Notes From the Underbelly Season 1 Episode 4

Ep 4. Oleander

  • April 25, 2007

Notes From the Underbelly is a comedy series revolving around the lives of two best friends, Lauren and Cooper, as they navigate the ups and downs of pregnancy and parenthood. In episode 4 of season 1, titled Oleander, Lauren begins to feel the pressure of being pregnant as she encounters the judgment of her coworkers and struggles to maintain her identity outside of motherhood.

The episode opens with Lauren meeting with her boss, Teri, who questions why Lauren hasn't been performing as well at work lately. Lauren tries to explain that she's pregnant and exhausted, but Teri doesn't seem to understand. Meanwhile, Cooper is excited to go on a date with her new crush, Eric, but Lauren is hesitant to support her friend's newfound love interest.

As Lauren continues to face criticism from her coworkers, she begins to worry about losing her sense of self. She confides in her husband, Eric, who suggests that they make time for a romantic date night as a way to reconnect and remind themselves of their life outside of the baby.

Cooper's date with Eric, on the other hand, doesn't go as planned. Eric reveals that he has a child from a previous relationship, which catches Cooper off guard and leaves her unsure if she's ready to deal with the complexities of dating a parent. Meanwhile, Lauren's attempt at a romantic evening with her husband is disrupted by an unexpected visitor.

As Lauren and Eric try to manage the disruption, Cooper seeks advice from her friend Danny, who encourages her to give Eric another chance. Cooper takes Danny's advice and confronts Eric, leading to a heart-to-heart conversation about the realities of dating as a single parent.

Back at Lauren's house, the unexpected visitor turns out to be her boss, Teri, who confides in Lauren about her own struggles with fertility and motherhood. Teri's vulnerability helps Lauren realize that she doesn't have to sacrifice her identity to be a good mother. With this newfound perspective, Lauren is able to let go of her anxieties about motherhood and embrace the journey ahead.

Overall, episode 4 of Notes From the Underbelly continues to explore the themes of identity and motherhood as Lauren and Cooper navigate the challenges and joys of pregnancy and parenthood. The episode delivers laughs and heartwarming moments alike, making it a standout in the series.

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  • First Aired
    April 25, 2007
  • Language