Watch Nijuu Mensou No Musume
- 1969
- 1 Season
Nijuu Menso no Musume is an anime television series based on the novel by Hagiwara Tsutomu and published in 2006. The show's storyline is set in Japan in the mid-1950s and follows a young thief named Chiko, who is the daughter of the infamous phantom thief known as Twenty Faces. Twenty Faces had disappeared without a trace, leaving Chiko alone and on the run for her life with no one to depend on but herself. With her father's past lifestyle, Chiko is constantly forced to move from one place to another while living in hiding, leaving her to develop a strong urge for survival.
Chiko's skills at thievery and her street-smart abilities become her strongest asset as she tries to piece together the mystery of her father's disappearance. Chiko discovers clues to her father's whereabouts, which initiates her quest to find him. Still, she's not alone in her endeavor, far from it. She is soon joined by a group of friends who help her search for her father while simultaneously getting into some tight situations and unimaginable adventures.
The twenty faces is a well-known legendary thief who has accomplished several feats of stealing priceless treasures that seemed impossible to take, such as the Hachi no Oki or the Dragon's Eye. Chiko's father had adopted Twenty Faces's pseudonym briefly when he started; hence, she trusted the name when she became a thief herself. Little did she know that there was far more to her father's past as Twenty Faces, and this sets the show's storyline in motion.
The show's opening and ending songs have a jazzy feel to them, which matches the show's overall mood. The characters are carefully crafted and are enjoyable to watch, such as Ken, Chiko's friend and quasi-love interest, who is the vocal leader of their gang, and Chiko's mentor, an ex-police detective named Akechi. Akechi's character takes on a significant role in the show, teaching Chiko the necessary skills to hone her thievery craft and to stay one step ahead of the law. The show also features a diverse cast of villains, each with their own motivations, methods, and personalities. Some of these villains are downright creepy, such as the "Surgical Mistress," while some are eccentric and hilarious, such as "The Crying Fish."
The show's animation is above average. The showmakers carefully craft each scene with attention to detail, from the tiniest particulars like character mannerisms to the grandest, like the vast landscapes of Japan or the intricate machinations of Thieves' Guild. The animation style is a blend of traditional 2D animation and computer-generated imagery, which gives the show a unique visual feel.
One of the best elements of Nijuu Mensou no Musume is its balance between humor, drama, and suspense. While the show's primary storyline is focused on Chiko's quest to find her father, the showmakers have successfully incorporated other subplots to keep the viewers engaged. Some storylines deal with issues like family or friendship, while others delve into politics and corruption. The viewer is left to wonder how all these interrelated subplots will come together to reveal the overarching narrative.
Another aspect of the show's appeal is the characters' development. This show is all about character progression, and the viewer will see the characters grow and evolve throughout the series. One of the most striking examples of this is Chiko herself, who starts the series as a shy and introverted young girl but matures quickly into a confident and capable thief.
Overall, Nijuu Mensou no Musume is a show that is more than worth the watch. The show's blend of action, drama, and humor is undoubtedly appealing, as is the attention paid to character development and animation detail. The show also stays true to its genre, which is an excellent show to watch for those who love action, mystery, and adventure storylines. Although twenty-faced is the protagonist of the title, the show feels like it is more centered on Chiko's journey of self-discovery and the strong bonds that she builds with her friends. Nijuu Mensou no Musume is a well-crafted, well-written anime that is worthy of your time.