Watch Nighty Night
- 2004
- 2 Seasons
8.1 (3,218)
Nighty Night is a British dark comedy television series that originally aired on BBC Two from 2004 to 2005. The show follows the twisted and manipulative life of Jill Tyrell, played by Julia Davis, who is a narcissistic sociopath with a callous disregard for the feelings and wellbeing of others. The show received widespread critical acclaim for its dark and subversive humour, with many critics praising the exceptional performances of the cast.
The show is set in a small suburban town in England and begins with Jill, a beautician, telling her husband Terry, played by Kevin Eldon, that she has been diagnosed with cancer. However, this is just a ploy to escape her mundane life and run off with her neighbour's husband, Don, played by Angus Deayton. She begins to infiltrate Don's life, manipulating his mentally unstable wife, Cathy, played by Rebecca Front, and feigning interest in their son, David, played by another comedy stalwart, Mark Gatiss.
As the series progresses, Jill's twisted and disturbing nature becomes more apparent, and the audience is left questioning how far she will go to achieve her goals. Her actions become evermore absurd and grotesque, with her behaviour even causing the death of a family pet.
Throughout the series, we see Jill manipulate and exploit those around her, with some of the most twisted characters appearing in the form of Linda, the gullible receptionist at Jill's beautician, and Glenn, the creepy and unhinged neighbour, played by Marc Wootton.
The cast is rounded out with Michael Fenton Stevens in a rare non-comedic role as Don's straight-laced, but ultimately powerless, business partner, and Felicity Montagu as Jill's hapless friend, who is constantly drawn into her web of lies.
Despite its darkness, Nighty Night has moments of black humour that are both hilarious and shocking. The show's writing is remarkably sharp and Davis' portrayal of Jill is chillingly convincing. There is no doubt that Nighty Night is an exceptionally well-written and well-acted show that is not intended for the faint of heart.
In conclusion, Nighty Night is a brilliant and subversive dark comedy that explores the depraved and manipulative life of its protagonist, Jill Tyrell. The exceptional writing and performances of the cast make the show a must-watch for fans of dark humour, but it is certainly not for everyone. The series was acclaimed during its initial run and has since gained a cult following.