Watch New Heights
- 2022
- 2 Seasons
New Heights is a 2022 British comedy-drama series created by Daf James and released on Netflix. The show centers around two estranged brothers, Julius and Franklin Richards, who unexpectedly reunite after the death of their father and try to find common ground while dealing with their complicated past and present relationships.
Julius Richards, played by Shaun Parkes, is a successful lawyer who left his childhood home on a rough London housing estate years ago and built a career and seemingly perfect life for himself. However, beneath the surface Julius struggles with feelings of guilt, grief and trying desperately to live up to unrealistic expectations. His brother Franklin, played by Otis Gowa, never escaped the estate and still resides there, spending his time drinking, gambling and getting into mischief with his friends. Though the two brothers took very different paths in life, they are forced to come together to honor their father's dying wish for them to scatter his ashes at a special location.
What ensues is a journey, both literal and metaphorical, that takes the estranged brothers across the English countryside. Along the way, old sibling rivalries and unresolved conflicts resurface as they are forced into close quarters and uncomfortable situations. However, the brothers also experience touching moments of vulnerability, humor and reconciliation as they retrace memories from their shared past and gain new understanding about each other.
Supporting characters help round out the show's examination of family, grief, and chasing one's dreams vs. being true to yourself. Julius' wife Becky tries to be supportive while hiding secrets of her own. Franklin's best mate Rico acts as both comic relief and the voice of reason. The brothers' sister Cathy desperately tries to heal old wounds. Other colorful figures from the estate also help tell the greater story of community and hidden depth beneath the surface.
Filmed on location in London and Surrey, New Heights blends lighthearted comedy with emotional drama. The writing and acting showcase the complexity of brotherhood and honor the cultural diversity of modern Britain. While the premise focuses on two estranged siblings, the show's exploration of personal dreams, responsibilities, and unlikely friendships gives it universal resonance. Viewers are sure to find laughter, tears, and a piece of themselves in the story. Ultimately, New Heights delivers a thoughtful, poignant and entertaining viewing experience.
New Heights is a series that ran for 2 seasons (16 episodes) between May 13, 2022 and on Netflix