Natsume Yujincho

Watch Natsume Yujincho

  • 2009
  • 1 Season

Natsume Yujincho is a captivating and heartwarming anime series that premiered on TV Tokyo in 2008. The show follows the life of Takashi Natsume, a teenage boy who has the ability to see yokai, the supernatural creatures of Japanese folklore. Natsume's ability is a curse that he inherited from his grandmother, Reiko Natsume, who had a book of yokai names that she used to control the spirits. Now that the book is in Natsume's possession, he has become the target of both good and bad yokai who want the book for their own purposes.

The series is based on the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Yuki Midorikawa. The show, directed by Takahiro Omori, has a total of six seasons and over 100 episodes. Hiroshi Kamiya, who plays the lead role of Natsume, delivers an outstanding performance throughout the series. His voice captures the emotions of Natsume perfectly, and he brings a sense of warmth and empathy to the character.

One of the standout aspects of the series is its beautiful animation, which brings the world of yokai to life in a stunning and magical way. The fantastical creatures are all expertly designed, from the mischievous little kappa to the towering tengu. The settings are also beautifully crafted, with each location feeling like a unique and fully realized world. The show's aesthetic is a perfect blend of traditional Japanese art and modern animation techniques, resulting in a stunning visual experience.

Throughout the series, Natsume meets a variety of yokai who are both good and bad. Some of them are looking for the book of names, while others simply want to make a connection with Natsume. The relationships that Natsume forms with these creatures form the core of the show's emotional resonance. Through these bonds, Natsume learns valuable lessons about empathy, friendship, and forgiveness.

The supporting cast is also excellent, with each character bringing their own charm to the show. Nyanko-sensei, a powerful yokai who takes the form of a cuddly cat, is a fan-favorite character who adds a lot of humor to the series. The other human characters, including Natsume's foster parents and classmates, are all well-written and help to ground the supernatural elements of the show in reality.

One of the strengths of the series is its episodic format. Each episode focuses on a different yokai or human character and their relationship with Natsume. This allows the show to explore a wide range of emotions and themes, from heartwarming tales of friendship to darker stories of loss and betrayal. The episodic format also ensures that the show never feels repetitive, and each episode is a unique and satisfying experience.

The music in the series is also noteworthy, with a beautiful soundtrack that perfectly captures the emotional resonance of each scene. The opening and ending themes are also excellent, with catchy melodies and stunning animation sequences that set the tone for each episode.

Overall, Natsume Yujincho is a must-watch anime series for anyone who loves heartwarming stories, beautiful animation, and traditional Japanese folklore. The series has a timeless quality that makes it feel both modern and classic, and its emphasis on empathy and friendship is something that viewers of all ages can appreciate. With its excellent voice acting, stunning animation, and beautiful music, Natsume Yujincho is a show that will stay with viewers long after the final episode has aired.

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Natsume's Book of Play
39. Natsume's Book of Play
September 26, 2011
The youkai hold a party to celebrate Natsume. Things get out of hand when they ask Natsume for a human game, and he suggests Shadow Tag. When Nyanko-sensei becomes "it", he starts stomping youkai left and right. And then Misuzu-sama, the 100 foot tall youkai, shows up...
A place to go home to
38. A place to go home to
September 19, 2011
A youkai from Natsume past has found him and memories of living with relatives before the Fujiwaras are explored.
What The Mirror Shows
37. What The Mirror Shows
September 12, 2011
Tanuma is experiencing how Natsume lives every day. While Natsume and the youkai gain an understanding.
The Broken Mirror
36. The Broken Mirror
September 5, 2011
After a brief incident in the forest, Tanuma has become distant to Natsume like he is avoiding something. In the meantime, there is something breaking glass around the school.
Through the Autumn Wind
35. Through the Autumn Wind
August 29, 2011
Without Sensei to protect him, Natsume has to remain constantly on guard. But the pressure of keeping secrets from his friends is causing Natsume to break.
The Fox Child's Watch
34. The Fox Child's Watch
August 22, 2011
Natsume is invited to go to a pottery classroom with Shigeru. It's being held in an inn where he once stayed. When he goes there, he meets an old friend: the young fox child he once saved.
33. Exorcist
August 15, 2011
Natsume finds out who's been stealing the youkai blood: the exorcist Matoba Seiji. He investigates with the help of Natori, but is captured by Matoba's servant youkai. Matoba is willing to sacrifice any number of youkai for his own ambitions. He tells Natsume why he's gathering blood: to release the seal on a powerful youkai. Natsume learns that there are people who treat Youkai in a totally different way than he or even Natori.
That Which Is Not Human
32. That Which Is Not Human
August 8, 2011
There is something killing Youkai and draining them of their blood. Natsume can't help but investigate and runs into old friends.
The Thing That Lurks In The Storeroom
31. The Thing That Lurks In The Storeroom
August 1, 2011
Natsume helps clean the stoeroom at Taki's house with Tanuma. He realizes that one of the kimonos that her grandfather, who researched youkai, used to ward off demons was missing, but decides not to tell them so they won't be scared. But that kimono was an old doll youkai, who was trying to recover its body which was torn apart when her grandfather sealed it
Young Days
30. Young Days
July 25, 2011
Midterms are over, and Natsume leaves on a trip with Nishimura, Kitamoto, and Sasada. He realizes that the scenery he's viewing from the train is from one of the places he grew up in, when he was passed around from one family to the next. He'd thought he didn't have any good memories of the time, but then he remembers what happened when he lived there...
False Friend
29. False Friend
July 18, 2011
Natsume is approached by someone he knew from elementary school. He wants nothing to do with them, but they threaten to reveal his secret: that he can see Youkai, if he doesn't come along with them. He reluctantly goes with them, and is taken to meet a strange girl...
Ukihara Village
28. Ukihara Village
July 11, 2011
Natsume is accosted by a spirit who asks for her brother's name back. She says that both of them have come from the village of floating spring, a paradise sealed off from the land of men. Meanwhile, the local Youkai are happy that the local priest is no longer in his temple. Natsume worries for his friend Tanuma, the priest's son, but isn't sure what to say...
The Name Of A Monster
27. The Name Of A Monster
July 4, 2011
One day, Natsume finds a yokai named Kagejawan running around near his home, which he soon learns means disaster is about to strike.
Humans and Youkai
26. Humans and Youkai
March 30, 2009
Mysterious footprints and markings are left on the gate of the Fujiwara house. Strange things start going on inside the house and Shigeru verifies with Natsume that the cause of this activity involves the husband and wife who used to live there. And so Shigeru tells story of those two but in a unusually childlike manner...
Boys of the Deserted House
25. Boys of the Deserted House
March 23, 2009
Mysterious footprints and markings are left on the gate of the Fujiwara house. Strange things start going on inside the house and Shigeru verifies with Natsume that the cause of this activity involves the husband and wife who used to live there. And so Shigeru tells story of those two but in a unusually childlike manner...
Assembly of Conjurers
24. Assembly of Conjurers
March 16, 2009
Mysterious footprints and markings are left on the gate of the Fujiwara house. Strange things start going on inside the house and Shigeru verifies with Natsume that the cause of this activity involves the husband and wife who used to live there. And so Shigeru tells story of those two but in a unusually childlike manner...
Temporary Home
23. Temporary Home
March 9, 2009
Mysterious footprints and markings are left on the gate of the Fujiwara house. Strange things start going on inside the house and Shigeru verifies with Natsume that the cause of this activity involves the husband and wife who used to live there. And so Shigeru tells story of those two but in a unusually childlike manner...
The Man Amidst the Rows of Cherry Trees
22. The Man Amidst the Rows of Cherry Trees
March 2, 2009
From the day that a picture of a row of cherry trees in a desolate winter was obtained, every time Natsume wakes up, his rooms is covered in petals. Trying to solve the root of this activity, Natsume and Nyako Sensei try and return the picture to Miya, a shadowy figure who accompanies the picture. But why can't they return it to Miya...?
Emotions Undying
21. Emotions Undying
February 23, 2009
Natsume, Kitamoto and Nishimura take a trip to an old inn to spend some quality time doing their homework. Surrounding the inn is a lake; that is believed to be home to a mermaid.
That Which You Must Not Call
20. That Which You Must Not Call
February 16, 2009
Natsume is dragged off into the cave of the evil spirit that is after Tooru. He temporarily loses the ability to see youkai after being poisoned by the spirit. Will he be able to stop the youkai from eating Tooru without his sight?
The Maiden's Circle
19. The Maiden's Circle
February 9, 2009
There is a new girl in school Taki Tooru. And with her appearance at school comes these strange circles in the ground. Much like UFO circles. As Natsume tries to figure out the circles and Taki he is visited by another Youkai. Only this time the Youkai isn't looking for his name, but for a snack.
Tree Of Promise
18. Tree Of Promise
February 2, 2009
Natsume encounters a spirit who was enslaved by his grandmother Reiko 50 years ago by writing his name on a torn page from the Book of Friends, and tying to a tree in a forest. Can Natsume help locate the torn page? What was Reiko's intention of tying it to a tree?
A Chick Hatches
17. A Chick Hatches
January 26, 2009
Natsume takes care of an abandoned egg from a nest, not concidering it could be a Youkai. After it hatches it turns out it is a rare baby spirit called Tatsumi, who thinks that Natsume is it's parent. Natsume can't help but get attached to the little spirit even as Tatsumi grows tired and sick. But as Natsume takes care of Tatsumi a mysterious spirit comes, and wants to take away Tatsumi for his master... who wants to eat him!
Youkai Exorcism Amid The Steaming Springs
16. Youkai Exorcism Amid The Steaming Springs
January 19, 2009
Natori invites Natsume on a Hot Spring trip. But noises from the closet and a kimono-clad figure dangled from the ceiling make Natsume uneasy. Not wanting to trouble Natori because of his kind gesture to enjoy the Hot Spring with him, Natsume investigates the Hot Spring himself. During the night Natsume meets with the Youkai, where she comments that he is too soft, and attacks!
Melting Into Spring
15. Melting Into Spring
January 14, 2009
While fooling around in the snow, Natsume and Nyanko-sensei run in to Gen, a forest guardian who lives inside a statue. Gen tries to take over Natsume's body, but instead takes over a snow rabbit that Natsume had made. Gen pleads Natsume to help him find an evil spirit who destroyed Sui, his guardian partner, and Natsume agrees. But it seems Gen isn't telling everything he should...
Stolen Book Of Friends
14. Stolen Book Of Friends
January 12, 2009
While outside during school Natsume is hit with a ball while reading. He goes to retrieve the ball and ends up breaking a Youkai's seal (much like he had with Nyanko-sensei). Later that night Natsume and Nyanko-sensei discover a look-a-like of Nyanko, only to have him steal the Book Of Friends!
Autumn Banquet
13. Autumn Banquet
January 21, 2009
Tanuma finds out Nyanko-Sensei is a spirit. Tanuma and Natsume enjoy the autumn festival and previous acquaintances are seen again.
Five Day Mark
12. Five Day Mark
January 21, 2009
Natsume is cursed by an evil spirit which is sealed to a tree, not wanting to trouble his adopted family, he decided to run away from home.
Nyanko's Book of Boredom
11. Nyanko's Book of Boredom
January 21, 2009
When Natsume finally has enough of Nyanko's behavior Nyanko leaves, wandering about by himself and causing trouble.
Asagi's Koto
10. Asagi's Koto
January 21, 2009
Natsume is possessed by a sick koto player, whose friend wants her to be able to play one last time.
Ayakashi Exorcism
9. Ayakashi Exorcism
January 21, 2009
Natsume meets a popular actor named Natori Shuuichi who can also see spirits, and has a side job as an exorcist.
Fleeting Light
8. Fleeting Light
January 12, 2009
Natsume meets a spirit who used to be friends with a man who could also see spirits, but one day lost this ability.
The Little Fox's Hat
7. The Little Fox's Hat
January 12, 2009
Natsume goes to a hot spring for a school trip, with an errand from Shigeru to pick up Teacups from a near by pottery. While there he meets and helps a little fox spirit, who quickly grows attached to him.
Swallow at the Lake Bottom
6. Swallow at the Lake Bottom
January 12, 2009
Natsume comes across an old ticket in Reiko's belongings and decides to go to the abandoned train station to see why she kept it. There, he meets a slow witted spirit named Santo, who was waiting for Reiko the entire time to go Kiriganuma, to see and make up with his friend, Mikuri, but the trip isn't as easy as it first seems...
Heart-Colored Ticket
5. Heart-Colored Ticket
January 12, 2009
Natsume comes across an old ticket in Reiko's belongings and decides to go to the abandoned train station to see why she kept it. There, he meets a slow witted spirit named Santo, who was waiting for Reiko the entire time to go Kiriganuma, to see and make up with his friend, Mikuri, but the trip isn't as easy as it first seems...
Shigure and the Girl
4. Shigure and the Girl
January 12, 2009
Natsume's secret is found out by Sasada, the class president, during the "Trial of Courage." She asks for his help to find the spirit that lives in the abandoned school. Natsume denies the fact that he can see anything, but she won't take no for an answer. Meanwhile, the spirit, Shigure, captures the rest of their school mates, in fury of the school being torn down...
The Mysterious Person at the Eight Fields
3. The Mysterious Person at the Eight Fields
January 12, 2009
Natsume is implored to help spirits who are currently being exorcised. He finds a kindred spirit in Tanuma, a boy who also senses spirits although not as powerful as Natsume.
The Dew God's Small Shrine
2. The Dew God's Small Shrine
January 12, 2009
Natsume is visited by the village's local god who is currently fading because of the lack of devotees.
The Cat And The Book Of Friends
1. The Cat And The Book Of Friends
January 12, 2009
"Natsume discovers that the heirloom "Book of Friends" that his grandmother, Reiko, gave him possesses the names of the spirits she defeated and bound to her will. Assisted by a cat whom Natsume addresses as Nyanko-Sensei (lit. Master Little Meow), Natsume aims to return all of the names to their rightful owners."
  • Premiere Date
    January 12, 2009