National Geographic Documentaries Season 2013 Episode 9

Ep 9. Bones of the Buddha

  • May 11, 2013

In "Bones of the Buddha," viewers are taken on a fascinating journey through time to explore the mystery of the Buddha's remains. The episode follows a team of archaeologists and scientists as they track down clues and dig through ancient sites in search of physical evidence of the Buddha's existence. Along the way, they discover surprising revelations about his life, teachings, and death.

The episode begins with a brief overview of the Buddha's life and the importance of his teachings in shaping the religious and cultural landscape of Asia. It then delves into the mystery surrounding his remains – although the Buddha died over 2,500 years ago, his followers claimed to have preserved his body and relics for centuries. But as time passed, the locations of these artifacts became lost, leaving scholars and researchers unsure if any physical evidence of the Buddha's existence actually exists.

To unravel this mystery, the team of experts visit various ancient sites in Nepal and India – places where the Buddha is believed to have lived and died. They also work with local monks and scholars to gather information and clues about the Buddha's final resting place. Along the way, viewers are treated to breathtaking shots of the Himalayan mountains and stunning depictions of the local culture.

As the investigation continues, the team begins to uncover evidence that suggests the Buddha's remains were not lost forever. They discover several skeletons from ancient times that were believed to be those of Buddha's followers – but upon closer inspection, they find that some of the bones have unusual markings and shapes that resemble relics that were thought to belong to the Buddha. The team also examines ancient texts and manuscripts that describe, in detail, the Buddha's cremation ceremony and the subsequent division of his remains, pointing to the potential existence of his bones.

As the investigation reaches its conclusion, the team faces many challenges – from language barriers to political conflicts. However, their perseverance pays off in unexpected ways as they make a jaw-dropping discovery that could solve the mystery once and for all. The episode ends with a final reflection on the impact that the Buddha's life and teachings have had on the world, and the significance of discovering his remains.

Overall, "Bones of the Buddha" is a gripping documentary that takes viewers on an incredible journey through time and across cultures. It offers a rich look at the religious and historical significance of the Buddha's life and teachings, as well as the excitement and challenges of conducting archaeological research. Whether you are a history buff, a lover of culture, or simply someone who enjoys an engrossing mystery, this episode is sure to leave you awestruck and inspired.

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  • First Aired
    May 11, 2013
  • Language