National Geographic Documentaries Season 2013 Episode 5

Ep 5. Saving Egypt's Oldest Pyramid

  • February 23, 2013

In the fifth episode of National Geographic Documentaries' 2013 season, viewers are taken on a journey to ancient Egypt to witness the efforts to save one of its oldest pyramids. The documentary highlights the story of the pyramid of Djoser, which was built around 4,700 years ago in the Saqqara region of Egypt.

The pyramid has been facing serious issues for many years, including the risk of collapse due to damage caused by poor restoration work carried out in the 20th century. The documentary starts by showcasing the scale of the challenge faced by the preservation team and the urgency of the situation. To make matters worse, the pyramid is located in an area that was once a dark territory overrun by terrorists, making it difficult to access and causing additional safety concerns.

The show takes the viewers behind the scenes, showing them the various challenges faced by the restoration team as they work to save the pyramid. It also gives insight into the history of the pyramid of Djoser, explaining its significance to Egyptian history, the way it was built, and the purpose of its construction. The documentary features the expertise of the restoration team, including skilled builders, engineers, and architects who use innovative techniques to restore the pyramid to its former glory.

Throughout Saving Egypt's Oldest Pyramid, viewers learn about the unique restoration techniques used by the team to keep the ancient pyramid stable. The team uses lasers to map the structure of the pyramid and to design precise digital images, which guide the specialists as they carefully work to restore the pyramid to its original splendor. The team also deploys an unconventional approach to reinforce the structure of the pyramid by using thousands of sandbags placed strategically around it to absorb the shock of the earthquake.

The documentary also highlights the cultural significance the pyramid holds. It is the first monumental building in history, considered the father of all pyramids built in Egypt, and it remains an iconic marker of a significant period in history. The team's work is not just restore a historical infrastructure, but their efforts are aimed at preserving a cultural heritage of Egypt for the future generations.

The show concludes with the team successfully completing their restoration work on the pyramid. By doing so, they provide a lifeline to one of the world's greatest ancient monuments, saving it from a potential collapse and restoring it to its former glory. The restoration project allows future visitors to witness and experience the wonder, history, and cultural heritage of Pyramids in Egypt.

National Geographic Documentaries' episode, Saving Egypt's Oldest Pyramid, portrays the incredible work carried out by experts in saving one of Egypt's most iconic monuments. The episode highlights the teamwork, skills, and technical ingenuity required to save the pyramid. This exciting show offers a glimpse into the history of the pyramid, showcases the challenges facing the restoration team, and the role the pyramid of Djoser plays in the rich history of Egypt. The documentary undoubtedly piques the interest of history enthusiasts, engineering, and architecture aficionados and showcases how preservation and restoration can protect cultural heritage so that the humanity can learn from, admire, and respect the enduring legacy of our past.

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  • First Aired
    February 23, 2013
  • Language