National Geographic Documentaries Season 2013 Episode 30

Ep 30. Woman Raised By Monkeys

  • December 11, 2013

A lot of strange things occur in the animal kingdom that are hard to believe, but this episode brings the unbelievable to a whole new level. The "Woman Raised By Monkeys" episode of National Geographic Documentaries delves into the baffling story of a woman who, as a child, was allegedly raised by monkeys. The story goes that a girl, coming from an abusive home, found refuge with a tribe of monkeys in the jungles of Colombia. After she was discovered by hunters, she became the focus of much attention, both internationally and in her home country, and her story continues to intrigue and fascinate people to this day.

Through interviews with experts and insiders, the episode explores how such an unbelievable story could come to be. Among those interviewed are doctors, psychologists, and anthropologists who all have their own theories about what really happened to this girl. The episode takes a deep dive into the human psyche and shines a bright light on how our minds work, especially in extreme circumstances.

At its core, "Woman Raised By Monkeys" is a story about our innate connection to animals and the natural world. When we see animals acting in certain ways, it's easy to imagine that they have emotions, feelings, and reasoning abilities like our own. But when we start to attribute human qualities to animals, we can get into dangerous territory. This episode shows how our relationship with nature is complicated and multifaceted, but ultimately, it's still something that we need to understand and respect if we want to thrive as a species.

As we follow the woman's story, we also get a glimpse of life in the Colombian jungle. The beauty and power of the natural world is on full display, and we see how the woman's connection to her monkey family helped her survive in what was undoubtedly an extremely challenging environment. At the same time, the episode doesn't shy away from the darker side of nature, as we hear about the brutal violence that can take place in the jungle when humans and animals come into conflict.

Ultimately, "Woman Raised By Monkeys" forces us to confront some big questions about what it means to be a human being. Are we really that different from animals, or are we just another species living on this planet? What does it mean to be raised in a human family versus an animal one, and how do those experiences shape us? What can we learn from the natural world, and how can we work to protect it so that others may thrive as the woman allegedly did? These are all big, complex questions, but the episode does a good job of tackling them head-on and giving viewers plenty of food for thought.

Overall, "Woman Raised By Monkeys" is a powerful and thought-provoking addition to the National Geographic Documentaries series. Whether you're a lover of nature, a psychology buff, or just someone who enjoys a good story, this episode is sure to leave an impression. So grab some popcorn, kick back, and prepare to be captivated by one of the wildest tales you've ever heard.

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  • First Aired
    December 11, 2013
  • Language