National Geographic Documentaries Season 2013 Episode 3

Ep 3. Inside: Tokyo Mafia

  • February 25, 2013

Inside: Tokyo Mafia is a captivating episode from the National Geographic Documentaries season 2013. The show presents an inside look at the secretive and highly organized criminal underworld of the Yakuza, Japan's notorious mafia.

The documentary takes the viewers on a captivating journey into the heart of the Yakuza, where hidden cameras capture everything from their intricate tattoos, rituals, hierarchy, and members' everyday activities. The show is full of shocking revelations about the power, wealth, and violent nature of the Tokyo mafia, which has been dominating Japanese society for over four centuries.

Through firsthand accounts and historical context, along with stunning footage, the episode outlines the brutal and complex traditions behind the Yakuza's once-legal activities, including loan-sharking, protection rackets, human trafficking, and drug running. The Tokyo mafia operates with ruthless efficiency, instilling fear into its enemies and conducting business practices that run counter to many the rest of the world.

We witness how the Yakuza's extensive network has gripped Japan's entertainment industry, responsible for the careers of many successful actors, singers, and models. We also see how the mafia infiltrates the political and financial sectors in Japan, expanding into global business sectors while making billions in profits.

Viewers will look in awe as the show captures the lavish lifestyle of some of its most powerful bosses, and the respect and fear accorded to them by the lower-ranking members. We watch as the members meticulously follow their rules and regulations and how they conduct their operations with precision, keeping the organization's secrets and inner workings away from the public's eyes.

The episode unpacks the Japanese concept of honor and its role within the Yakuza. Whether it's at the top-level boss or the lowest-ranked member, honor plays a fundamental role in all aspects of the organization. Members willingly give their time and even lives in service to the Yakuza, believing that it's a way of life and a sense of belonging beyond anything else.

Through the lens of expert interviews, inside footage, and personal accounts, Inside: Tokyo Mafia offers valuable insights into an otherwise mysterious and dramatically pleasing tale about the rise and fall of the Yakuza. The episode challenges our understanding of honor, power, and loyalty and paints a stark contrast between the Japanese mafia and other organized crime syndicates worldwide.

All in all, this episode of National Geographic Documentaries season 2013 is a captivating journey into the world of Japan's notorious underworld, showcasing the Yakuza's traditions, power, and influence, delivering the most comprehensive and unfiltered view of what goes on behind closed doors. With content as rich as what's on offer here, viewers can learn a great deal about the Yakuza and the Japanese culture that has tolerated its existence for so long.

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  • First Aired
    February 25, 2013
  • Language