National Geographic Documentaries Season 2013 Episode 22

Ep 22. Killing Kennedy

  • November 10, 2013

In season 2013, episode 22 of National Geographic Documentaries titled "Killing Kennedy," viewers are taken on a captivating journey into one of the most shocking and pivotal moments in American history. This documentary delves deep into the repercussions and mysteries surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas.

"Killing Kennedy" presents a comprehensive exploration of the events leading up to that fateful day and the aftermath that followed. It meticulously pieces together historical accounts, archival footage, and expert interviews to provide an insightful and thought-provoking analysis of this tragic event that has intrigued the nation for decades.

The episode begins by setting the stage, revisiting the social and political climate of America during the early 1960s. It examines Kennedy's presidency, his endeavors to usher in a new era of change, and the controversial decisions that shaped his administration. Through detailed narration and rare footage, viewers gain an intimate understanding of the man behind the iconic figure and his impact on the nation.

As the documentary delves into the day of the assassination, it unveils the shocking details surrounding the events leading up to those fatal shots. It explores the conspiracy theories that have entrenched themselves in popular culture, shedding light on the multiple hypotheses that have emerged over the years. Expert interviews and analysis offer differing perspectives, allowing audiences to explore the varied possibilities, causing them to question their own assumptions and beliefs.

Furthermore, "Killing Kennedy" highlights the role of Lee Harvey Oswald, the man accused of fatally shooting President Kennedy from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository. The episode investigates Oswald's background, his ties to various organizations, and examines the evidence that links him to Kennedy's assassination. By delving into Oswald's motivations and state of mind, viewers are presented with a comprehensive insight into the mind of the alleged assassin.

Throughout the documentary, the focus also extends to the immediate aftermath of the assassination. It explores the nation's collective grief, the shockwaves felt across the world, and the subsequent investigation that sought to bring justice and closure. Audiences gain an understanding of the political climate that shaped the Warren Commission's findings and the ensuing controversies that continue to surround it.

"Killing Kennedy" not only examines the life and death of JFK but also the wider impact that his assassination had on American society. It delves into the cultural and historical significance of this tragic event, exploring how it forever changed the nation's psyche and perception of its own identity.

By skillfully weaving together archival footage, rare photographs, expert testimony, and interviews, this episode of National Geographic Documentaries presents a compelling and in-depth account of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Audiences are invited to question long-held assumptions, delve into the conspiracy theories, and explore the profound impact that this event had on the American nation and its collective memory.

With its meticulous research, engaging storytelling, and compelling visuals, "Killing Kennedy" allows viewers to reexamine this pivotal moment in history and form their own opinions on an event that continues to captivate the imagination of the world. This episode serves as a testament to the enduring fascination with JFK's assassination and its lasting impact, highlighting the complex and multi-layered nature of this significant piece of American history.

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  • First Aired
    November 10, 2013
  • Language