National Geographic Documentaries Season 2013 Episode 18

Ep 18. Extreme Neighbors

  • June 1, 2013

National Geographic Documentaries season 2013 episode 18, titled "Extreme Neighbors," takes viewers on a thrilling journey to explore some of the most extreme environments on Earth where humans have managed to coexist with nature in remarkable ways. This episode showcases inspiring stories of individuals, communities, and cultures that have adapted to the challenges posed by their extreme surroundings, offering a unique perspective on the resilience of the human spirit.

The episode begins by venturing into the heart of the Amazon rainforest, one of the most biodiverse regions on the planet. Here, the focus is on an indigenous tribe called the Yanomami, who have inhabited this dense and hostile jungle for centuries. Through stunning visuals and immersive storytelling, we witness how the Yanomami people have developed a deep connection with the land, relying on their traditional knowledge and techniques to survive in harmony with the abundant yet unpredictable nature surrounding them. We witness their close relationship with the abundant wildlife and learn about their struggles to maintain their way of life amidst encroaching modernity.

From the dense rainforest, the episode moves to the vast frozen landscapes of Greenland. Here, we delve into the lives of a small Inuit community that has thrived in the harsh Arctic conditions for generations. Providing a glimpse into their day-to-day existence, we witness their exceptional hunting skills, resourcefulness, and profound understanding of the land and sea. As climate change poses a threat to their traditional way of life, we learn how these resilient Inuit people adapt and innovate, combining ancient knowledge with new technologies to secure their survival in an uncertain future.

Continuing the exploration of extreme environments, the focus shifts to the driest desert on Earth – the Atacama Desert in Chile. In this arid landscape where rainfall is scarce and temperatures can be extreme, we encounter a community that defies the odds. With the help of ingenious engineering and resourceful techniques, they have managed to harness the limited water supply to cultivate crops and sustain their livelihoods. This segment showcases the extraordinary determination and ingenuity of the humans who have managed to thrive in a land seemingly devoid of life, highlighting the resourcefulness that emerges from extreme conditions.

Moving from the driest desert to the highest peaks, the episode then takes us to the Himalayas in Nepal. Here, we witness the extraordinary bond between humans and the mountains as we meet the Sherpas, an ethnic group renowned for their mountaineering skills and resilience in the face of danger. Through their stories, we gain insight into the challenges faced by those who make a living guiding climbers up treacherous peaks like Mount Everest. We come to appreciate the Sherpas' extraordinary physical abilities, their unwavering commitment to their cultural traditions, and the close-knit community that supports one another amidst the risks and rewards of high-altitude life.

"Extreme Neighbors" concludes with a powerful exploration of the crucial interconnectedness between diverse ecosystems and the communities that inhabit them. By showcasing these remarkable stories of adaptation and coexistence, the episode offers viewers a greater appreciation for the resilience, determination, and resourcefulness of humans who choose to make their homes in some of the most inhospitable places on Earth. Through stunning visuals and captivating narratives, viewers are encouraged to reflect on the delicate balance between human progress and the preservation of our natural world, inspiring a deeper understanding of the complex relationship we share with our extreme neighbors.

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  • First Aired
    June 1, 2013
  • Language