National Geographic Documentaries Season 2013 Episode 17

Ep 17. Ultimate Mars Challenge

  • October 12, 2013

The episode Ultimate Mars Challenge is an exploration into the scientific, technological, and human challenges of planning a manned mission to Mars. It begins by explaining the importance of Mars as a potential location for human exploration and colonization. The episode features interviews with renowned scientists, engineers and researchers who are working on making a manned mission to Mars a reality.

The episode puts a spotlight on the various obstacles that need to be overcome before a manned mission to Mars can be launched. One of the major challenges is the radiation exposure that astronauts would be subjected to during the journey. The episode delves into the steps that need to be taken in order to mitigate this risk and keep astronauts safe. The episode also analyzes the effects of zero gravity on the human body, and how NASA is working to counteract these effects.

The episode comes packed with stunning visuals and CGI that give viewers a glimpse of what a mission to Mars would look like. There are segments on the Mars rover Curiosity, satellite images of the planet and various simulations of what it would be like to navigate Mars' rocky terrain.

The episode also addresses the challenges of landing a spacecraft on Mars. The planet has a thin atmosphere that makes it difficult to slow down spacecrafts during landing. The episode looks into the various propulsion technologies that NASA is experimenting with, and how they can be used to land spacecrafts safely on Mars.

The second half of the episode takes a closer look at the human element of a mission to Mars. It features interviews with astronauts and psychologists who are working on understanding the psychological challenges that a manned mission to Mars would present. The episode explores the stress that astronauts would be subjected to during such a mission, isolation, and the lack of contact with loved ones back on Earth.

The episode also examines the challenges of creating a self-sufficient colony on Mars. It looks into the various technologies and strategies that scientists are working on to create a closed-loop system that would enable astronauts to grow their own food, generate their own energy, and recycle their waste.

Overall, the Ultimate Mars Challenge episode of National Geographic Documentaries is an engaging and informative exploration of the scientific and technological challenges of planning a manned mission to Mars. The episode combines stunning visuals with in-depth analysis to give viewers a glimpse of what the journey to Mars would look like, and the obstacles that need to be overcome along the way.

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  • First Aired
    October 12, 2013
  • Language