National Geographic Documentaries Season 2010 Episode 2

Ep 2. Dawn of the Ocean

  • August 24, 2010

Dawn of the Ocean, the second episode of the 2010 season of National Geographic Documentaries, takes viewers on a journey through the complete history of the ocean - from its formation 4 billion years ago, to its present-day state. The episode explores the many ways in which the ocean has shaped and been influenced by the planet's environment, from its effects on Earth's climate to its role as a source of life and sustenance for countless species.

The episode begins by examining the origins of the ocean, tracing it back to the formation of the Earth itself. It explores the ways in which the ocean has changed over time, from its earliest days as a violent, tumultuous body of water to its calm, serene state today. Along the way, viewers are introduced to the many different creatures that call the ocean home, from tiny plankton to massive whales, and learn about the complex ecosystem that has evolved over millions of years.

Next, the episode delves into the ocean's crucial role in regulating Earth's climate. It explores how the ocean acts as a giant heat sink, absorbing much of the sun's energy and helping to regulate the temperature of the planet. It also examines the ways in which the ocean affects the weather, from creating massive storms to generating powerful ocean currents that can influence climate patterns around the world.

Throughout the episode, viewers are treated to stunning footage of the ocean and its many inhabitants, from schools of brightly colored fish to massive coral reefs teeming with life. They are also introduced to some of the scientists and researchers who are working to better understand this complex and fascinating ecosystem, using cutting-edge technology to explore its depths and unlock its secrets.

As the episode draws to a close, viewers are left with a deeper appreciation for the ocean and its many wonders. They come away with a better understanding of how this vast, mysterious body of water has shaped the planet over billions of years, and how it continues to play a vital role in our lives today. Whether they are lifelong ocean enthusiasts or simply curious learners, viewers are sure to find Dawn of the Ocean a captivating and inspiring journey into the heart of one of Earth's greatest natural wonders.

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  • First Aired
    August 24, 2010
  • Language