National Geographic Documentaries Season 2010 Episode 17

Ep 17. Moonshine

  • November 25, 2010

Moonshine has been a classic American pastime for generations, and the National Geographic Documentaries season 2010 episode 17 takes a closer look at the history and culture surrounding this illegal activity.

The episode begins by establishing the roots of moonshine in the early days of American settlers in the Appalachian Mountains. Due to a lack of access to official liquor, these early pioneers brewed their own alcohol using homemade stills and local ingredients. The practice spread throughout the region and became an integral part of the local culture.

Through interviews with modern-day moonshiners and historians, the episode explores the ways in which moonshine has evolved over the years. The early days of the trade were characterized by small-scale operations and a focus on quality. However, as moonshining became more popular and profitable, criminal syndicates began to take over the trade, leading to violence and a decline in the quality of the product.

The episode also touches on the social and economic factors that have contributed to the popularity of moonshining. For many people in rural areas, making and selling moonshine is a way to support their families and make ends meet. Additionally, the prohibition era and subsequent crackdowns on moonshining have turned many people into staunch defenders of the practice as a symbol of resistance against government overreach.

Throughout the episode, viewers are treated to stunning footage of the Appalachians and the people who call it home. The camera captures the beautiful landscapes, the intricate distillation process, and the tough, no-nonsense attitudes of the moonshiners themselves.

One of the most interesting aspects of the episode is the way in which it explores the relationship between law enforcement and the moonshiners. Viewers get a front-row seat to a dramatic police raid on a moonshine operation, which shows both the danger and the excitement of the job. Additionally, the episode features interviews with current and former law enforcement officers who explain the challenges of cracking down on moonshining and the ways in which they have tried to combat the trade over the years.

Overall, Moonshine is a fascinating look at a uniquely American tradition. Viewers will come away with a deeper understanding of the history, culture, and social implications of moonshining, as well as a newfound appreciation for the hard work and dedication that goes into making this illegal product.

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  • First Aired
    November 25, 2010
  • Language