National Geographic Documentaries Season 2009 Episode 2

Ep 2. Seed Hunter

  • September 7, 2009

Seed Hunter is a documentary that takes audiences on a journey to explore the fascinating world of seed collection and preservation. In this National Geographic episode, viewers will meet passionate individuals who travel the world collecting and saving seeds to protect plant diversity and ensure food security.

The episode follows the story of seed hunter and explorer Joseph Simcox as he travels to various locations across the globe, including South Africa, Italy, and Mexico. Simcox's mission is to find and collect rare plant seeds from all over the world, with the goals of preserving plant diversity, providing sustainable food sources, and discovering new medicinal properties. Along the way, he encounters fascinating plant life and various challenges that come with seed collection.

Simcox's call to seed collection and preservation begins in his childhood. He shares his story of how, as a young boy, he became fascinated by the idea of chasing after seed pods and wildflowers in his hometown of Miami, Florida. His curiosity and love for plants grew over time, eventually leading him to a career focused on plant preservation.

Throughout the episode, viewers meet various individuals who share Simcox's passion for seed collection and preservation. One such individual is Luigi Guarino, director of the Global Seed Vault in Norway. Guarino discusses the dangers of losing plant diversity and the importance of seed preservation for future generations.

Viewers are also introduced to Maria Andrade, a plant breeder working in Africa to improve food security for rural communities. Andrade explains how traditional crops such as sweet potatoes can be improved with modern breeding techniques, resulting in better yields and resistance to disease. By improving crops, Andrade hopes to provide more food for impoverished families and stimulate economic growth.

In South Africa, viewers meet farmer Clive Van Deventer, who is working to preserve the indigenous vegetation of his region. Through his efforts, Van Deventer is able to rehabilitate overgrazed land and preserve rare plant species that are threatened by habitat loss.

Another individual viewers meet is Jane Goodall, the famed primatologist, and conservationist. Goodall discusses the critical role plants play in the lives of animals and humans alike and how the loss of plant diversity can have devastating consequences for ecosystems.

Throughout Seed Hunter, viewers are exposed to stunning visuals of rare plant life and the people working tirelessly to protect them. The episode highlights the importance of plant diversity and preservation and the various threats that these vital resources face in the modern world.

Overall, Seed Hunter is a captivating and poignant documentary that sheds light on the importance of seed collection and preservation for future generations. It highlights the work of passionate individuals who are dedicated to protecting plant diversity and ensuring the sustainability of our food sources. This episode is a must-watch for anyone interested in conservation, plant biology, and sustainable agriculture.

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  • First Aired
    September 7, 2009
  • Language