National Geographic Documentaries Season 2007 Episode 4

Ep 4. Incredible Human Machine

  • October 21, 2007

The Incredible Human Machine, which is the fourth episode of the National Geographic Documentaries season of 2007, is a fascinating journey inside the human body. The episode takes us on a captivating and educational journey through the marvels of our system, showcasing the power and intelligence of the human body.

The episode features a variety of expert visuals, animations, and explanations to help viewers understand key concepts of human biology. For example, viewers will learn about the different parts of the brain, how they work together, and how they control our senses, thoughts, and actions. The camera takes them through a virtual journey in the human brain, showcasing the intricate network of neurons and the role they play in our day to day life.

The documentary also depicts the role of muscles, bones, and joints in the movement of the body, exhibiting the extraordinary capacity of the human body to adapt to different environments and challenges. Viewers will explore the function of each muscle in the body and how they work together to perform physical tasks, from running to jumping.

The episode further demonstrates how the body manages to fight diseases and infections through the immune system. It showcases the role played by white blood cells in identifying and combating infections and diseases at a cellular level.

The episode of the Incredible Human Machine delves into the workings of our circulatory system, highlighting the intricate process of oxygen and nutrient delivery and extraction from our blood. It further depicts how the heart functions constantly to provide the body with a continuous supply of oxygen and other vital nutrients. The episode features high-resolution images of the heart, clearly showing its structure and the functions it carries out.

The show also features a segment on the digestive system, demonstrating how food is broken down, absorbed, and transported throughout the body. With the help of sophisticated animatics, viewers get to see how the digestive system is structured and functions. They will learn how food travels through the digestive tract, how enzymes break it down, and how it is then absorbed and utilized for energy or stored as fat.

The Incredible Human Machine also takes viewers through the complex network of hormones that regulate almost every function of the body. The episode highlights the different glands within the body responsible for secreting hormones and their functions.

In summary, the Incredible Human Machine is an enthralling and informative journey inside the human body like no other. It showcases the power and intelligence of the human system, reminding us just how amazing we are as a creation. Through expert visuals and explanations, this documentary provides an unparalleled understanding of the complexity of the human body.

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  • First Aired
    October 21, 2007
  • Language