National Geographic Documentaries Season 2007 Episode 15

Ep 15. Hippo: Africa's River Beast

  • August 19, 2007

Hippo: Africa's River Beast is a captivating episode of National Geographic Documentaries that explores the mysterious world of one of Africa's largest and most dangerous animals, the hippopotamus. The episode takes an in-depth look into the hippo's habitat, behavior, and physical characteristics, shedding light on this incredible creature that is all too often feared and misunderstood.

The episode opens with breathtaking footage of a hippo pod, as the massive animals gracefully glide through the waters of the African plains. Viewers are immediately struck by the hippo's immense size and power, but also by their surprisingly graceful movements. From there, the episode delves into the hippo's habitat, examining the rivers and lakes that these beasts call home.

One of the most fascinating aspects of the episode is its exploration of the unique relationship between the hippo and the water. Viewers learn that hippos actually spend most of their lives in the water, only coming on land to graze on grasses at night. They are perfectly adapted to this aquatic lifestyle, able to hold their breath for up to five minutes and "walk" along the riverbed using their four stubby legs.

As the episode progresses, viewers are treated to a closer look at the hippo's behavior and social structure. They are surprisingly social animals, living in groups of up to 30 individuals. The pod is led by a dominant male, who is fiercely protective of his territory and his females. But even within the pod, there is a complex hierarchy, with different individuals vying for dominance and status.

Of course, one of the biggest draws of this episode is the close-up footage of these massive animals in action. From massive yawns that showcase their impressive dental weaponry to their epic battles with rival males, viewers get to see hippos as they've never seen them before. There are even heartbreaking moments, such as when a young hippo is separated from its mother and has to fight to survive on its own.

Throughout the episode, viewers are treated to stunning visuals that showcase the beauty of the African landscapes and the incredible wildlife that call this place home. From sweeping aerial shots of the sprawling savannah to close-up footage of crocodiles and other predators that share the hippo's habitat, there is no shortage of breathtaking imagery.

Perhaps what is most striking about Hippo: Africa's River Beast, however, is its ability to change our perceptions of these animals. While hippos are often portrayed as vicious and dangerous creatures, this episode goes to great lengths to show their softer side. We see them playing with one another, nursing their young, and simply enjoying life in their watery world.

Overall, this episode is a must-watch for anyone with an interest in African wildlife or the mysteries of the animal kingdom. It is a fascinating look at one of the continent's most captivating creatures, and it is sure to leave viewers with a newfound appreciation for these misunderstood beasts.

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  • First Aired
    August 19, 2007
  • Language