Watch NASCAR Hammer Down
- 2014
- 3 Seasons
NASCAR Hammer Down is a high-octane animated series that revolves around the chaotic world of motorsports. Produced by NASCAR and Nicktoons, this show premiered in 2014 and became an instant hit among racing enthusiasts and cartoon lovers alike. The series features a team of young rookie drivers who embark upon a thrilling journey to claim victory in the NASCAR Cup Series.
The show aims to educate viewers about the basics of stock car racing while also providing wholesome entertainment for all ages. The plot centers around the adventures of a team of young racers known as the Hammer Down Racing Crew. The crew is led by Tony Stewart, a retired NASCAR driver who mentors and trains his prot
NASCAR Hammer Down is a series that ran for 3 seasons (21 episodes) between November 5, 2014 and on nicktoons