Naked and Afraid XL Season 3 Episode 10

Ep 10. Naked and Afraid XL Reunion show

  • TV-14
  • June 18, 2017
  • 41 min
  • 8.4  (13)

Naked and Afraid XL season 3 episode 10, titled "Naked and Afraid XL Reunion Show," brings all the contestants of the season together for a special reunion. The episode sees the 12 survivalists come together to reflect on their 40-day adventure in the South African wilderness. The reunion is hosted by Matt Wright and will be an opportunity for the contestants to share their experiences and discuss how they overcame the challenges they faced.

The reunion show begins with a recap of the 40-day challenge. The contestants are then introduced, and they take turns to talk about their experiences, starting with the location of the show. South Africa was a unique location with a variety of terrains and wildlife, and each contestant shares how they adapted to the environment.

The contestants also discuss the mental and physical challenges of being naked in the wild for 40 days. With limited resources, the survivalists had to be creative in finding food and water while also building shelter and keeping themselves safe from predators. The reunion also touches on the emotional challenges that the contestants faced, as they were forced to confront their fears and rely on each other for support.

One of the highlights of the reunion is seeing the relationships that formed among the contestants. Some of the survivalists formed strong bonds and friendships during the challenge, while others had conflicts that had to be resolved. The reunion show provides a platform for the contestants to address any unresolved issues and reconcile their differences.

Throughout the episode, the contestants also share their highlights and lowlights of the challenge. From finding water to completing the final trek, each of them has their own defining moment. The reunion show also sees the contestants reflect on what they learned about themselves and how the experience has changed them.

As the reunion comes to a close, the contestants share their plans for the future and how they will apply the lessons learned during the challenge. Some of them plan to continue exploring the outdoors, while others are grateful for the experience but are ready to return to their normal lives.

Overall, Naked and Afraid XL season 3 episode 10, "Naked and Afraid XL Reunion Show," is a heartwarming and inspiring episode that celebrates the resilience and strength of the human spirit. It is an opportunity for the contestants to come together, reflect on their journey, and celebrate their achievements.

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  • First Aired
    June 18, 2017
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    41 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    8.4  (13)