Ep 13. The Last Laugh
- August 3, 2019
8.0 (393)
Twilight Sparkle's friends Fluttershy and Rarity are invited to go to a comedy club for a night of laughs, but they have very different expectations for what they will find there. Fluttershy is excited to see some of her favorite comedians and hopes to have a good time, while Rarity is more skeptical and worries that they won't find anything funny.
Despite their differences, the two friends decide to give it a try and head to the club. Along the way, they run into several other ponies who are also excited to see the comedians perform. When they arrive, they discover that the club has just hired a new comedian named Clownsie, who is known for his over-the-top antics and silly costumes.
As the night progresses, Fluttershy and Rarity find themselves increasingly uncomfortable with some of Clownsie's more shocking material. They worry that he is being disrespectful to others, and they become concerned for their own safety when he starts to involve the audience in his act.
Despite their discomfort, they stay until the end of the show and, when it's over, they try to express their concerns to the club's owner. However, the owner dismisses their complaints, saying that Clownsie has been a hit with audiences and that he doesn't want to lose him as an act.
Feeling discouraged, Fluttershy and Rarity decide to take matters into their own hooves and find a way to confront Clownsie directly. They sneak backstage and confront him, telling him that they feel his jokes are hurtful and inappropriate.
To their surprise, Clownsie is receptive to their feedback and agrees to tone down his act. He admits that he was simply trying to be funny and didn't realize the impact his jokes were having on others. Fluttershy and Rarity are relieved and grateful that Clownsie is willing to change his ways.
In the end, the two friends learn an important lesson about the power of communication and the importance of standing up for what they believe in. They also realize that, despite their differences, they can still come together to make a difference when it really matters.