Mutual Of Omaha's Wild Kingdom Season 4 Episode 6

Ep 6. Butaan: The Lost Dragon

  • May 21, 2006

Butaan: The Lost Dragon is the sixth episode of the fourth season of Mutual Of Omaha's Wild Kingdom. This exciting episode takes viewers on a journey to the Philippines, where the crew is on the hunt for the elusive Butaan lizard, also known as the "Lost Dragon." This remote island lizard was once thought to be extinct, but recent sightings have given hope to scientists that it may still exist.

Jim Fowler hosts the episode and leads the team of scientists and wildlife experts on their quest to find the Butaan. The team first travels to the island of Palawan, where they meet with a local expert who has been studying the lizard for years. He shares his knowledge of the Butaan's habitat and behavior, and the team sets off into the jungle to begin their search.

As they trek through the dense jungle, the team faces many challenges, including rough terrain, intense heat, and dangerous wildlife. But despite these obstacles, they press on, eager to catch a glimpse of the elusive lizard.

Over the next few days, the team sets up camp and begins to explore the surrounding area. They set up traps and cameras in hopes of capturing a Butaan on film, but their efforts are unsuccessful. However, they continue to gather valuable information about the habitat and behavior of the animals in the area.

Their perseverance pays off, as one day, while exploring a remote area of the jungle, the team spots a large lizard in the distance. They cautiously approach and confirm that it is indeed a Butaan. The team quickly springs into action, capturing the lizard and bringing it back to their base camp for further study.

Back at camp, the team examines the Butaan up close, marveling at its unique features and studying its behavior. They take measurements and samples, hoping to learn more about this mysterious creature. Their findings will provide vital insights for conservation efforts and may help to protect this endangered species.

As the episode comes to a close, the team reflects on their incredible journey to find the Butaan. They leave Palawan with new knowledge and a newfound appreciation for the incredible biodiversity of the Philippines. But most importantly, they leave with hope for the future of the Butaan and the preservation of this majestic species.

Overall, Butaan: The Lost Dragon is a thrilling adventure that highlights the importance of conservation efforts and the incredible work of scientists and wildlife experts around the world. It is a must-watch for any nature lover or adventurer.

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  • First Aired
    May 21, 2006
  • Language