Mutual Of Omaha's Wild Kingdom Season 4 Episode 4

Ep 4. King Cobra and I

  • April 2, 2006

In this episode of Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom, entitled "King Cobra and I," we dive deep into the world of one of the most dangerous and fascinating snakes in the world: the king cobra.

Hosts Peter Gros and Jim Fowler take us on a journey to India, where they explore the habitats of king cobras and interact with them up close and personal. The episode features stunning footage of the snakes and their environment, as well as interviews with experts on the species.

The episode is divided into several segments, each focusing on a different aspect of the king cobra's life. The first segment looks at the king cobra's hunting techniques, which are both fascinating and terrifying. Armed with venom that is deadly to humans and other animals, the king cobra can take down prey that is much larger than itself. The hosts interact with the snakes as they hunt and feed, giving viewers a close-up look at their behavior.

Another segment explores the king cobra's relationship with other animals in its environment. We learn about the important role that the snake plays in the ecosystem, as well as its interactions with other predators such as monkeys and birds of prey.

Throughout the episode, we also learn about the dangers that king cobras pose to humans. The hosts speak with locals who have had close encounters with the snakes, and warn viewers about the precautions that should be taken when in areas where the snakes are present. This includes being aware of the king cobra's warning signs, such as its distinctive hood and aggressive posture.

One of the highlights of the episode is a thrilling sequence in which the hosts interact with some of the largest king cobras in the world. The snakes are brought out of their enclosures and handled by experts, giving viewers an up-close look at their size and power. The hosts explain the importance of conservation efforts in protecting the species, which is threatened by habitat loss and poaching.

Overall, "King Cobra and I" is a fascinating look at one of the most feared and revered animals in the world. With stunning footage and expert commentary, it offers a deep dive into the world of the king cobra and its place in the ecosystem.

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  • First Aired
    April 2, 2006
  • Language