Watch Murder Call
- 1997
- 2 Seasons
7.1 (506)
Murder Call is an Australian crime drama series that aired from 1997 to 2000. The show explores the lives of a group of detectives and forensic experts who work together to solve various homicide cases in the city of Sydney. The show's lead character is Tessa Vance (Lucy Bell), a strong-willed and intelligent detective who partners up with her colleague, Steve Hayden (Peter Mochrie), to investigate murders. Together, they navigate through complex cases, using their sharp instincts and experience to solve crimes and bring justice to the victims and their families.
Apart from Tessa and Steve, other recurring characters on the show include Peter Faithful (Geoff Morrell), the head of the forensic team, and Detective Sergeant Lance Valdez (Mark Hembrow), who frequently works with the duo to solve murders.
The show's strong point lies in its storytelling and character development. Each episode presents a unique mystery, with intricate plot lines and clues that keep viewers engaged until the very end. The characters are well-rounded, with their own personal struggles and backstories that add depth to their personalities and motivations.
The show also places a heavy emphasis on forensics and technology in solving crimes, presenting a realistic portrayal of police work in the late 90s. The inclusion of new forensic techniques and equipment adds an extra element of excitement to the investigation process, as the detectives and forensic team work together to piece together evidence and build a case against the culprit.
Another noteworthy aspect of Murder Call is its use of location and cinematography. Each episode is shot entirely on location in various parts of Sydney, providing a vibrant and authentic backdrop for the series. The camera work is also masterfully done, with dynamic camera angles and close-ups that help to build tension and convey the emotions of the characters.
The show has received critical acclaim for its strong writing, direction, and performances from its cast. Lucy Bell, in particular, has been praised for her portrayal of Tessa Vance, a complex and multifaceted character who struggles to balance her personal and professional life. Peter Mochrie also delivers a solid performance as Steve Hayden, providing a grounded and reliable counterpart to Tessa's impulsive nature.
In summary, Murder Call is a gripping crime drama that expertly weaves together suspenseful storytelling, complex characters, and realistic police work. With its strong cast, engaging mysteries, and beautiful cinematography, it remains a beloved classic in Australian television.
Murder Call is a series that ran for 2 seasons (55 episodes) between August 10, 1997 and on