Munki and Trunk

Watch Munki and Trunk

  • TV-Y
  • 2016
  • 1 Season
  • 9.0  (182)

Munki and Trunk is an adorable children's show that follows the adventures of a mischievous monkey and a gentle elephant. The show is a part of the Jungle Beat Animation series, which is aimed at young children and is meant to be both entertaining and educational.

The show is set in a lush jungle where Munki and Trunk live. Munki is a playful and mischievous monkey who loves to play pranks on Trunk. Trunk, on the other hand, is a gentle and patient elephant who is always willing to put up with Munki's shenanigans. Despite their differences, the two have a strong bond and are best friends.

Each episode of Munki and Trunk follows the duo as they embark on different adventures in the jungle. From exploring ancient ruins to going on treks to find a lost treasure, the show is full of exciting escapades that are sure to capture the imagination of young viewers. The duo often encounters other animals in the jungle, and they must work together to solve problems and overcome obstacles.

One of the things that sets Munki and Trunk apart from other children's shows is its focus on environmental messages. Throughout the series, the duo learns about the importance of protecting the environment and taking care of the animals that call the jungle home. These messages are delivered in a fun and engaging way that is sure to resonate with young viewers.

The animation style of Munki and Trunk is bright and colorful, with an emphasis on playful characters and eye-catching settings. The characters are drawn in a fun, cartoony style that is sure to appeal to young children. The show is also accompanied by a catchy musical score that adds to the overall sense of fun and adventure.

The voice acting in Munki and Trunk is top notch, with Brent Dawes providing the voice of Munki and Alison Lambole voicing Trunk. Both actors bring a sense of energy and enthusiasm to their roles, and their performances help to bring the characters to life on screen.

Overall, Munki and Trunk is a charming and fun children's show that is sure to entertain young viewers. With its focus on environmental messages, colorful animation, and engaging characters, the show is a great choice for parents looking to introduce their children to entertaining and educational programming.

Munki and Trunk is a series that ran for 1 seasons (63 episodes) between October 1, 2016 and on Jungle Beat Animation

Munki and Trunk
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Ostrich Opera
52. Ostrich Opera
November 21, 2016
Trunk tries to put Baby Ostrich to sleep by singing a lullaby. Big mistake! Baby discovers singing, and she takes to it enthusiastically, but her voice is terrible and she ruins the peace of the jungle. Munki and Trunk try everything, but they can't st...
Rocky Rescue
51. Rocky Rescue
November 20, 2016
Munki and Trunk throw a nut that looks like a ball for Rocky. It ends up going over the edge of a ravine and the overenthusiastic Rocky goes over the the edge with it. But how are Munki and Trunk going to get Rocky out of the ravine, when all he wants ...
Midnight Run
50. Midnight Run
November 19, 2016
Baby Ostrich and the Eggs see Munki and Trunk having a race, and want to be involved! They join in, and don't stop racing, even though the sun goes down. A completely exhausted Munki and Trunk have to chase through the midnight savannah to bring the ov...
Munki The Bee
49. Munki The Bee
November 18, 2016
Munki and Trunk discover some fruit that they can mash up and use as body paint. They have a lot of fun painting themselves as zebras, giraffes and leopards. But when Trunk paints Munki as a bee, they discover that he can successfully infiltrate the sw...
Bee In Her Bonnet
48. Bee In Her Bonnet
November 17, 2016
Trunk's precious flower is looking very droopy. Trunk is worried that it's ill, and tries to protect it from the world. Unfortunately, Buzby the bee seems determined to get to the flower to collect its pollen. It becomes a game of cat-and-mouse, or rat...
Downhill Derby
47. Downhill Derby
November 16, 2016
Munki and Trunk lose Baby Ostrich during a game of Hide and Seek. They find her again at the top of a tall slope, hiding behind a tree that is growing curious, surfboard-like seed pods. Munki and Trunk try to protect Baby from the falling pods, until t...
The Lawn
46. The Lawn
November 15, 2016
Munki and Trunk are playing one of their normal games of tag. Munki discovers that Trunk can't catch him if he's standing on Humph's precious lawn. Trunk tries vacuuming him off it, though, and accidentally rips Humph's lawn right off! It blows away in...
Tag You'Re Toast
45. Tag You'Re Toast
November 14, 2016
Munki, Trunk and Tallbert are engaged in a wild game of tag. They bump into Rocky the Rhino, and try to get him to join in the game. Rocky is enthusiastic, but it takes him a long time to understand the rules. When he finally gets it, however, he becom...
Staring Is Caring
44. Staring Is Caring
November 13, 2016
Munki and Trunk start a staring competition. Munki is the reigning champion until he meets his match with Tallbert. The two of them stare at each other until the sun goes down and Munki falls asleep. Tallbert isn't sure of the rules, and keeps staring ...
Sweet As Honey
43. Sweet As Honey
November 12, 2016
Humph tastes honey for the first time. It's so delicious! It makes him feel warm and happy, and he wants to share his joy with the rest of the jungle. The other animals, however, aren't used to the normally-grumpy Humph being so happy. It makes them ne...
Sticky Situation
42. Sticky Situation
November 11, 2016
While trying to get at a delicious bunch of berries Munki accidentally breaks a branch, and super-sticky sap starts dripping into the clearing. They end up getting get glued to themselves, each other, the ground, the vines and everything else in the cl...
Bad Hair Day
41. Bad Hair Day
November 10, 2016
Munki wakes up with a tuft of hair sticking out the side of his head. Trunk tries to fix his hairstyle. She wets the tuft, brushes it, glues it down with honey, hides it under a hat, and even puts it in curlers, but everything she does makes the situat...
The Artist
40. The Artist
November 9, 2016
Munki sees his footprints in the mud, and he likes the way they look. He tries sticking his hands in the mud, too, and makes hand-prints on nearby rocks. He has discovered art! He throws himself into his new discovery, making sculptures and paintings. ...
Wild Flower
39. Wild Flower
November 8, 2016
Munki sees how much Trunk loves her flower, and wants a flower of his own to look after. Trunk is excited to teach Munki how to garden, and he turns out to be a good student - too good! With all the water and soil Munki's giving it, the flower grows to...
38. Static
November 7, 2016
Munki and Trunk race through the long grass. The air is dry, and Munki gets charged up with crackling static electricity, which makes his fur go puffy. Dry leaves get attracted to Munki, following him around and getting stuck to his fur. He gets chased...
Boing Boing
37. Boing Boing
November 6, 2016
Munki and Trunk discover a mysterious flower with glowing pink sap. Whatever the sap touches turns floppy - arms, legs, rocks, trees, everything! Munki and Trunk have a huge amount of fun playing with the sap. But when the ostrich eggs are threatened b...
36. Cliffhanger
November 5, 2016
Trunk has managed to get herself in a tricky situation. She is trying to rescue her flower, and has somehow ended up stuck high up between two stone spires, far out in the savannah. Munki comes to the rescue, but when one of the spires collapses they a...
Tickle Munki
35. Tickle Munki
November 4, 2016
One of Mama Ostrich's feathers comes loose and blows through the jungle. By chance, it keeps on blowing past Munki and Trunk, tickling them mercilessly. Munki and Trunk finally manage to catch it, but they discover that there's no safe way to dispose o...
Boom Crack
34. Boom Crack
November 3, 2016
A storm is approaching, and Munki and Trunk know that Rocky the Rhino is terrified of thunder. They need to calm Rocky down, and block his ears with moss. Unfortunately, Rocky gets startled by the thunder. He panics, goes on a rampage, and digs himself...
Strange Brew
33. Strange Brew
November 2, 2016
Munki and Trunk are messing around making weird food concoctions, when lightning strikes. Munki's concoction turns into a potion that makes him grow taller, and Trunk's makes her grow shorter. At first they're delighted by their new sizes, but they kee...
Busy Doing Nothing
32. Busy Doing Nothing
November 1, 2016
Munki and Trunk are bored! Trunk comes up with a variety of fun experiences to entertain them, but Munki doesn't really want to do any of them. Trunk eventually runs out of ideas and falls into despair, and it's up to Munki to come up with a fun activi...
31. Hypno-Munki
October 31, 2016
Munki's swinging tail accidentally hypnotises Trunk into thinking that she's a monkey. While Munki tries to work out what's wrong with her, he accidentally hypnotises more of his friends. He finally works out what has happened and thinks that it's hila...
Unidentified Crawling Object
30. Unidentified Crawling Object
October 30, 2016
Munki and Trunk are deeply disturbed when a rock starts crawling around by itself. It's a tortoise! They've never seen one before, and have no idea how to handle it - especially because this particular tortoise has a habit of leaping out of his shell.
Chain Reaction
29. Chain Reaction
October 29, 2016
Munki and Trunk discover some pods that pop when touched, scattering their seeds. Munki gets excited when he realises that he can make a chain-reaction of exploding seeds. He gets obsessed, and soon starts constructing an elaborate chain reaction that ...
Bee Plot
28. Bee Plot
October 28, 2016
Munki and Trunk are about to tuck in to an epic fruit picnic. But the beehive falls from the tree, and Buzzby comes to them for help - They're the only ones who can get it back. Reluctantly, they give up their bounty and chase the hive as it bounces wi...
Banana Noir
27. Banana Noir
October 27, 2016
Munki and Trunk wake up to discover that all the bananas have disappeared. They travel around the jungle like a pair of private sleuths, investigating the crime, and trying to find the banana-stealing suspect. It it Tallbert? Baby Ostrich? Or maybe som...
Ribbert'S Secret
26. Ribbert'S Secret
October 26, 2016
Everyone in the jungle has a talent. Hue the chameleon can change colour, Humph the hedgehog can transform into a spiky ball, Trunk can trumpet and Munki can do a silly trick with his fingers. But what can Ribbert the Frog do? Trunk finds out that nigh...
Munki'S Trunk
25. Munki'S Trunk
October 25, 2016
Munki admires Trunk's trunk, and tries to make a trunk of his very own. He ends up stretching his tail and hanging it over his head - but just because he has something that looks like a trunk, it doesn't mean he can use it to picking berries, drink, or...
What'S Mine Is Yours
24. What'S Mine Is Yours
October 24, 2016
Munki and Trunk are eating a delicious pile of mangoes. But when there's only one mango left, they both politely refuse to eat it, making a big show of offering it to each other to eat. Their politeness quickly escalates into a game, where they invent ...
23. Nuts
October 23, 2016
Munki and Trunk find a tiny nut. They split it and are about to eat it, when they spot a bigger nut, then a bigger one, then a bigger one... until they find a gigantic mega-nut. It looks amazing! Unfortunately, it's also a bit of a tough nut to crack, ...
22. Copycat
October 22, 2016
Munki playfully teases Trunk by copying everything she does. Trunk tries to make him cut it out by doing things that he can't do, but he manages to match her in every way. But Munki doesn't find the game so funny when Trunk turns it around, and starts ...
Tidy Up Time
21. Tidy Up Time
October 21, 2016
One of Munki and Trunk's games gets out of hand, and they accidentally destroy Humph's lawn. Now Humph is homeless, so they offer to let him move in with them. But Humph's obsessive tidiness makes their lives extremely difficult - they'll have to get H...
Cold Stuff
20. Cold Stuff
October 20, 2016
It's a cold night in the jungle, and all the animals want to huddle around the warmth of Ray the firefly. Ray doesn't like being crowded and escapes to the safety of the beehive, where he makes friends with Buzzby. Unfortunately, he sets off an intrude...
How Do You Sleep
19. How Do You Sleep
October 19, 2016
Munki has insomnia. He goes through the night-time jungle trying to find someone to play with, but everyone else is fast asleep. He visits all his friends and tries to go to sleep the way they do, but nothing he tries seems to work...
Mr Stone
18. Mr Stone
October 18, 2016
Tallbert wants to join in Munki and Trunk's games, but he's not sure how to play along. He's feeling forlorn until he makes a new friend (literally!) by painting a face on a rock. Tallbert and the rock have the best time together - until the happy face...
Rainbow Rising
17. Rainbow Rising
October 17, 2016
Munki and Trunk discover the end of a rainbow. It's magical! They play around with it, using it to change their colour and swimming up its beautiful arch. They have the best day of their lives. But when the rainbow fades away, they find themselves stra...
Stuck In The Middle With You
16. Stuck In The Middle With You
October 16, 2016
Munki falls into the hollow of their tree and gets stuck! Trunk tries everything she can think of to get him out, but she can't hoover him out, or shake him free, or flood him out. She tries inflating the tree. Munki pops out, but now the situation is ...
A Sneeze On The Breeze
15. A Sneeze On The Breeze
October 15, 2016
A wind blows in from the savannah carrying thousands of floating seeds. Munki calls the alarm and the jungle animals prepare for the invasion of seeds, but it's too late: the seeds wreck havoc, tickling all the animals until they're paralysed with laug...
Bubble Trouble
14. Bubble Trouble
October 14, 2016
Munki discovers some special berries that can be blown up into large purple bubbles. He shows them to Trunk, and the two of them have lots of fun until Munki gets trapped inside a bubble blown by Trunk. He gets bounced all around the jungle. Trunk trie...
Munki The Bee/Midnight Run/Rocky Rescue/Ostrich Opera
13. Munki The Bee/Midnight Run/Rocky Rescue/Ostrich Opera
October 16, 2018
Munki and Trunk discover some fruit that they can mash up and use as body paint. / Baby Ostrich and the Eggs see Munki and Trunk having a race, and want to be involved! / Munki and Trunk throw a nut that looks like a ball for Rocky. / Trunk tries to put Baby Ostrich to sleep by singing a lullaby.
Munki The Bee/Midnight Run/Rocky Rescue/Ostrich Opera
13. Munki The Bee/Midnight Run/Rocky Rescue/Ostrich Opera
October 16, 2018
Munki and Trunk discover some fruit that they can mash up and use as body paint. / Baby Ostrich and the Eggs see Munki and Trunk having a race, and want to be involved! / Munki and Trunk throw a nut that looks like a ball for Rocky. / Trunk tries to put Baby Ostrich to sleep by singing a lullaby.
Tag you're toast/The Lawn/Downhill Derby/Bee In Her Bonnet
12. Tag you're toast/The Lawn/Downhill Derby/Bee In Her Bonnet
October 16, 2018
Munki, Trunk and Tallbert are engaged in a wild game of tag. / Munki and Trunk are playing one of their normal games of tag. / Munki and Trunk lose Baby Ostrich during a game of Hide and Seek. / Trunk's precious flower is looking very droopy.
Tag you're toast/The Lawn/Downhill Derby/Bee In Her Bonnet
12. Tag you're toast/The Lawn/Downhill Derby/Bee In Her Bonnet
October 16, 2018
Munki, Trunk and Tallbert are engaged in a wild game of tag. / Munki and Trunk are playing one of their normal games of tag. / Munki and Trunk lose Baby Ostrich during a game of Hide and Seek. / Trunk's precious flower is looking very droopy.
Bad Hair Day/Sticky Situation/Sweet As Honey/Staring Is Caring
11. Bad Hair Day/Sticky Situation/Sweet As Honey/Staring Is Caring
October 16, 2018
Munki wakes up with a tuft of hair sticking out the side of his head. / While trying to get at a delicious bunch of berries Munki accidentally breaks a branch, and super-sticky sap starts dripping into the clearing. / Humph tastes honey for the first time. / Munki and Trunk start a staring competition.
Boing Boing/Static/Wild Flower/The Artist
10. Boing Boing/Static/Wild Flower/The Artist
October 1, 2016
Munki and Trunk discover a mysterious flower with glowing pink sap. / Munki and Trunk race through the long grass. / Munki sees how much Trunk loves her flower, and wants a flower of his own to look after. / Munki sees his footprints in the mud, and he likes the way they look.
Boing Boing/Static/Wild Flower/The Artist
10. Boing Boing/Static/Wild Flower/The Artist
October 1, 2016
Munki and Trunk discover a mysterious flower with glowing pink sap. / Munki and Trunk race through the long grass. / Munki sees how much Trunk loves her flower, and wants a flower of his own to look after. / Munki sees his footprints in the mud, and he likes the way they look.
Strange Brew/Boom Crack/Tickle Munki/Cliffhanger
9. Strange Brew/Boom Crack/Tickle Munki/Cliffhanger
October 16, 2018
Munki and Trunk are messing around making weird food concoctions, when lightning strikes. / A storm is approaching, and Munki and Trunk know that Rocky the Rhino is terrified of thunder. / One of Mama Ostrich's feathers comes loose and blows through the jungle. / Trunk has managed to get herself in a tricky situation.
Strange Brew/Boom Crack/Tickle Munki/Cliffhanger
9. Strange Brew/Boom Crack/Tickle Munki/Cliffhanger
October 16, 2018
Munki and Trunk are messing around making weird food concoctions, when lightning strikes. / A storm is approaching, and Munki and Trunk know that Rocky the Rhino is terrified of thunder. / One of Mama Ostrich's feathers comes loose and blows through the jungle. / Trunk has managed to get herself in a tricky situation.
Chain Reaction/Unidentified Crawling Object/Hypno-Munki/Busy Doing Nothing
8. Chain Reaction/Unidentified Crawling Object/Hypno-Munki/Busy Doing Nothing
October 16, 2018
Munki and Trunk discover some pods that pop when touched, scattering their seeds./ Munki and Trunk are deeply disturbed when a rock starts crawling around by itself./ Munki's swinging tail accidentally hypnotises Trunk into thinking that she's a monkey./ Munki and Trunk are bored!
Chain Reaction/Unidentified Crawling Object/Hypno-Munki/Busy Doing Nothing
8. Chain Reaction/Unidentified Crawling Object/Hypno-Munki/Busy Doing Nothing
October 16, 2018
Munki and Trunk discover some pods that pop when touched, scattering their seeds./ Munki and Trunk are deeply disturbed when a rock starts crawling around by itself./ Munki's swinging tail accidentally hypnotises Trunk into thinking that she's a monkey./ Munki and Trunk are bored!
Munki's Trunk/Ribbert's Secret/Banana Noir/Bee Plot
7. Munki's Trunk/Ribbert's Secret/Banana Noir/Bee Plot
October 1, 2016
Munki tries to make a trunk of his very own. / Hue the chameleon can change color, Humph the hedgehog can transform into a spiky ball, Trunk can trumpet and Munki can do a trick with his fingers. But what can Ribbert the Frog do? / Munki and Trunk awaken to discover that all the bananas have disappeared. / Munki and Trunk are about to eat an epic fruit picnic. But the beehive falls from the tree.
Munki's Trunk/Ribbert's Secret/Banana Noir/Bee Plot
7. Munki's Trunk/Ribbert's Secret/Banana Noir/Bee Plot
October 1, 2016
Munki tries to make a trunk of his very own. / Hue the chameleon can change color, Humph the hedgehog can transform into a spiky ball, Trunk can trumpet and Munki can do a trick with his fingers. But what can Ribbert the Frog do? / Munki and Trunk awaken to discover that all the bananas have disappeared. / Munki and Trunk are about to eat an epic fruit picnic. But the beehive falls from the tree.
Tidy Up Time/Copycat/Nuts/What's Mine Is Yours
6. Tidy Up Time/Copycat/Nuts/What's Mine Is Yours
October 1, 2016
One of Munki and Trunk's games gets out of hand, and they accidentally destroy Humph's lawn. / Munki playfully teases Trunk by copying everything she does. / Munki and Trunk find a tiny nut. / Munki and Trunk are eating a delicious pile of mangoes.
Tidy Up Time/Copycat/Nuts/What's Mine Is Yours
6. Tidy Up Time/Copycat/Nuts/What's Mine Is Yours
October 1, 2016
One of Munki and Trunk's games gets out of hand, and they accidentally destroy Humph's lawn. / Munki playfully teases Trunk by copying everything she does. / Munki and Trunk find a tiny nut. / Munki and Trunk are eating a delicious pile of mangoes.
Rainbow Rising/Mr Stone/How Do You Sleep/Cold Stuff
5. Rainbow Rising/Mr Stone/How Do You Sleep/Cold Stuff
October 1, 2016
Munki and Trunk discover the end of a rainbow. It's magical! / Tallbert wants to join in Munki and Trunk's games, but he's not sure how to play along. / Munki has insomnia. It's a cold night in the jungle, and all the animals want to huddle around the warmth of Ray the firefly.
Rainbow Rising/Mr Stone/How Do You Sleep/Cold Stuff
5. Rainbow Rising/Mr Stone/How Do You Sleep/Cold Stuff
October 1, 2016
Munki and Trunk discover the end of a rainbow. It's magical! / Tallbert wants to join in Munki and Trunk's games, but he's not sure how to play along. / Munki has insomnia. It's a cold night in the jungle, and all the animals want to huddle around the warmth of Ray the firefly.
Hot Stuff/Bubble Trouble/A Sneeze On The Breeze/Stuck In The Middle With You
4. Hot Stuff/Bubble Trouble/A Sneeze On The Breeze/Stuck In The Middle With You
August 31, 2018
It's a crazily hot day. Munki and Trunk do everything they can to cool down, but the river and the water hole dry up, and Trunk gets encased in quick-drying mud. / Munki gets trapped inside a bubble blown by Trunk. / A wind blows in from the savannah carrying thousands of floating seeds. / Munki falls into the hollow of their tree and gets stuck!
Hot Stuff/Bubble Trouble/A Sneeze On The Breeze/Stuck In The Middle With You
4. Hot Stuff/Bubble Trouble/A Sneeze On The Breeze/Stuck In The Middle With You
August 31, 2018
It's a crazily hot day. Munki and Trunk do everything they can to cool down, but the river and the water hole dry up, and Trunk gets encased in quick-drying mud. / Munki gets trapped inside a bubble blown by Trunk. / A wind blows in from the savannah carrying thousands of floating seeds. / Munki falls into the hollow of their tree and gets stuck!
Hiccup Line/Adventures In Babysitting/A New Home/Holey Moley
3. Hiccup Line/Adventures In Babysitting/A New Home/Holey Moley
February 2, 2017
Trunk gets the hiccups, Munki tries to help her find a cure. / Mama Ostrich asks Munki and Trunk to babysit her eggs. / Munki and Trunk dislodge the beehive from its usual tree, it ends up stuck in the branches of their own tree. / Rocky buries a stick by the waterhole, but the next morning he forgets where it is, and goes into a digging frenzy to find it.
Bloomin' Emergency/I Would Walk 500 Miles/Home Improvement/Is It A Monster
2. Bloomin' Emergency/I Would Walk 500 Miles/Home Improvement/Is It A Monster
February 1, 2017
Munki accidentally crushes Trunk's most cherished possession with a flying coconut. / A game of catch goes wrong, Munki is sent flying to Antarctica. / Munki, Trunk and Rocky play 'fetch' in the Ostritch family's clearing while they have a swim, and accidentally destroy the ostrich nest. / It's nighttime in the jungle, but a series of mysterious noises keeps them awake.
Bloomin' Emergency/I Would Walk 500 Miles/Home Improvement/Is It A Monster
2. Bloomin' Emergency/I Would Walk 500 Miles/Home Improvement/Is It A Monster
February 1, 2017
Munki accidentally crushes Trunk's most cherished possession with a flying coconut. / A game of catch goes wrong, Munki is sent flying to Antarctica. / Munki, Trunk and Rocky play 'fetch' in the Ostritch family's clearing while they have a swim, and accidentally destroy the ostrich nest. / It's nighttime in the jungle, but a series of mysterious noises keeps them awake.
Queen Of The Swingers/Prickly Situation/Sweet Mayhem/Walk This Way
1. Queen Of The Swingers/Prickly Situation/Sweet Mayhem/Walk This Way
October 1, 2016
Munki and Trunk spot some delicious fruit, and run off through the jungle to get it. / Munki and Trunk find some delicious-smelling prickly pears, but they're surrounded by cactuses. / Munki has a sore throat, Trunk promises to get something to soothe it. / Trunk's loud footsteps cause trouble - she almost steps on Ribbert, she makes leaves fall on Humph's lawn and she nearly wakes Mama's eggs.
Queen Of The Swingers/Prickly Situation/Sweet Mayhem/Walk This Way
1. Queen Of The Swingers/Prickly Situation/Sweet Mayhem/Walk This Way
October 1, 2016
Munki and Trunk spot some delicious fruit, and run off through the jungle to get it. / Munki and Trunk find some delicious-smelling prickly pears, but they're surrounded by cactuses. / Munki has a sore throat, Trunk promises to get something to soothe it. / Trunk's loud footsteps cause trouble - she almost steps on Ribbert, she makes leaves fall on Humph's lawn and she nearly wakes Mama's eggs.
Where to Watch Munki and Trunk
Munki and Trunk is available for streaming on the Jungle Beat Animation website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Munki and Trunk on demand at Amazon Prime, The Roku Channel Free, Google Play, Hoopla and Tubi TV.
  • Premiere Date
    October 1, 2016
  • IMDB Rating
    9.0  (182)