MTV2's Guy Code Season 1 Episode 10
MTV2's Guy Code
Season 1

Ep 10. Masturbating, Fighting, Perfect Roommate, Break-ups

  • January 10, 2012

MTV2's Guy Code is a show that delves deep into the psyche of men and their way of life in the modern world. The season 1 episode 10 titled "Masturbating, Fighting, Perfect Roommate, Break-ups" focuses on the various challenges that men face while trying to navigate through life.

The first segment of the episode covers the topic of "masturbating" which has always been a taboo subject for discussion. The cast of the show, which is made up of comedians and other personalities, discuss their personal experiences with masturbation and share their humorous take on the subject. The panelists also provide some useful tips to the viewers on how to avoid getting caught in an awkward situation while pleasuring oneself.

The next topic that is explored in the episode is "fighting". The cast members discuss the various types of fights that men get into, and also what should be the ideal approach in case one finds oneself in such a situation. The discussions range from physical fights to verbal ones, and the cast provides insights on how to diffuse potentially violent situations. The humor and wit of the cast make this section entertaining while also providing some useful advice.

The third topic of the episode deals with "perfect roommates", and the cast members discuss the qualities that make for a good roommate. The cast shares their personal experiences of living with different types of roommates, and provide tips on how to find the perfect roommate to live with. The panelists also talk about some of the things that should be avoided when living with a roommate to make the living experience a comfortable one.

The last segment of the episode explores the topic of "break-ups". The cast members talk about the most common reasons for breakups and provide their insights on how to deal with the aftermath of a failed relationship. The panelists provide various tips on how to move on and try to start afresh after a break-up.

Throughout the episode, the cast members use their wit and humor to make the show entertaining for the viewers. The show also provides a fresh take on various subjects which are rarely talked about in such an open manner. The language and tone of the show may not be for everyone, but the episode is sure to appeal to its target audience of young men.

In conclusion, MTV2's Guy Code season 1 episode 10 is a fun-filled and informative episode that provides insights on various subjects that men deal with in their daily lives. The show provides some useful tips on how to navigate through life while also keeping the audience entertained with its humorous take on various topics. It is a show that is sure to appeal to its target audience and serve as a beacon of hope and advice for young men everywhere.

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  • First Aired
    January 10, 2012
  • Language