Watch Moyasimon
- 2007
- 1 Season
Moyasimon is a Japanese anime show that revolves around the life of a freshman college student named Tadayasu Sawaki. The show is produced by Shirogumi and Telecome Animation Film and is aired on Fuji TV in Japan. The show follows the protagonist Tadayasu Sawaki as he attends an agricultural university. However, Tadayasu is not an ordinary student. He can see and communicate with microorganisms such as bacteria and other germs that normal humans cannot. This ability has been passed down to him from his grandfather who was also able to communicate with microorganisms.
Tadayasu's unique ability plays a significant role in his life as a university student. He uses his skill to help scientists and researchers in the university's microbiology department with their experiments. Tadayasu's interactions with the microorganisms not only aid in the scientific work, but often lead to hilarious and sometimes unexpected outcomes.
The supporting cast includes Tadayasu's friends from the university including Kei YÅ«ki, Hazuki Oikawa, and Kaoru Misato. Kei is a wealthy student who is fascinated with brewing alcohol and is always pushing the limits of scientific experimentation. Hazuki is a microbiology student and a close friend of Tadayasu who shares his passion for learning about microorganisms. Kaoru is a member of the lacrosse team and Tadayasu's childhood friend. She is the only one among Tadayasu's friends who is not interested in microbiology.
The show also features several unique and memorable teachers at the university including Itsuki KÅno, the eccentric and unpredictable microbiology professor, and KeizÅ Itsuki, the head of the microbiology department who is obsessed with fermentation and makes his own sake.
The storytelling of Moyasimon is unique and makes the show stand out. Each episode usually features Tadayasu, his friends, and the various microorganisms that they encounter. The show presents scientific information in a light-hearted and engaging manner. The microorganisms are depicted as cute and relatable characters who help Tadayasu and his friends in their everyday lives.
Moyasimon is not just a show about science and microbiology. It also explores themes of friendship, family, and growing up. Tadayasu's experiences as a college student and his interactions with his peers and professors help him to mature and learn important life lessons.
The animation and artwork of Moyasimon is visually stunning. The character designs are distinct and memorable, and the backgrounds are detailed and vibrant. The show's use of computer graphics to represent the microorganisms is impressive, and adds to the show's overall charm.
The show has been well-received by critics and audiences alike. Its unique premise, engaging storytelling, and lovable characters have earned it a dedicated fanbase. Moyasimon has also been adapted into a live-action television drama in Japan, as well as a manga series.
In conclusion, Moyasimon is an entertaining and educational anime show that is perfect for viewers of all ages. Its unique premise, engaging storytelling, lovable characters, and impressive visuals make it a must-watch for anime fans.