Moving Art Season 2 Episode 7
Moving Art
Season 2

Ep 7. Galapagos

  • May 19, 2017
  •   (23)

The second season of Moving Art brings us on a mesmerizing journey to the exotic Galapagos Islands. Episode 7 of the season, aptly titled "Galapagos," takes us on a visual feast of one of the most diverse and unique ecosystems in the world.

Through the captivating lens of filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg, the audience is transported to the islands nestled off the coast of Ecuador. The episode showcases the thriving array of animal and plant life that have evolved in isolation over millions of years. The vibrant colors of the indigenous flora and fauna are brought to life in stunning detail, making it easy to get lost in the breathtaking scenery.

One of the standout highlights of the episode is the focus on tortoises, which are among the unique animals found only on the Galapagos Islands. Schwartzberg captures the movements of these gentle giants - their long necks and heavy shells - in intimate detail. The episode also gives a glimpse into the endangered marine iguanas that are efficient swimmers and feed on algae from shallow waters.

Throughout the episode, Schwartzberg takes us on a fascinating exploration of the islands' geological formations and the forces that shaped them. The lava fields, created by volcanic eruptions, contrast beautifully with the serene and tranquil turquoise waters that surround the islands.

As one spends more time on the Galapagos, one can start to see the subtle threads that tie the varied species together. The episode delicately weaves together the relationship between the different creatures and the interconnectedness of the ecosystem. It beautifully captures the never-ending cycle of birth, life, and death that plays out on the island, a constant reminder of the circle of life.

The soundtrack of the episode is a beautiful mix of sounds and music, including the natural sounds of the island and soft, dreamy background music that complements the colorful visuals. One can close one's eyes and let the music transport you to the imagined serene environment of the Galapagos.

The episode concludes with a call to action, highlighting the need for responsible tourism and conservation measures to preserve this delicate ecosystem for future generations. The message is thought-provoking, and one comes away from the episode with a renewed appreciation for the unique and stunningly beautiful natural world.

In summary, Episode 7 of the Moving Art's second season, "Galapagos," is a visual delight that captures the essence of one of the world's most unique and protected environments. Louie Schwartzberg's masterful cinematography combined with a thought-provoking message on preserving our ecosystem creates a mesmerizing viewing experience that will leave you in awe of the beauty and diversity of nature.

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  • First Aired
    May 19, 2017
  • Language