Watch Moonlighters (English Subtitled)
- 2010
- 1 Season
Moonlighters is a captivating and thrilling Spanish-language drama series produced by Latin Crush, a Chilean production company known for its high-quality content. The show follows the lives of three friends who find themselves in dire financial straits and decide to embark on a risky money-making venture, which leads them down a dangerous path.
Fernanda Urrejola stars as SofÃa, a tough and ambitious woman who is struggling to keep her family afloat financially. Ãlvaro Morales plays Javier, an intelligent and charismatic man who is facing financial ruin due to his gambling addiction. The two characters are joined by Pablo, played by Marcelo Alonso, a good-hearted but naïve man who is struggling to support his wife and child.
Together, the three friends hatch a plan to start a clandestine taxi service that caters to wealthy clients in Santiago, Chile. They call themselves "The Moonlighters," and they operate exclusively at night, taking their clients to exclusive parties and clubs in the city.
However, their seemingly innocent business quickly takes a dark turn when they get involved with a dangerous drug cartel. As they try to navigate their way through this treacherous world, they must also deal with their own personal struggles and the consequences of their actions.
The show features suspenseful and action-packed scenes, as well as moments of intense emotion and drama. The talented cast delivers powerful performances, bringing their characters to life and drawing the audience into their world.
Although the show is in Spanish, it is subtitled in English, making it accessible to a wider audience. The writing is intelligent and well-crafted, with complex characters and an engaging storyline that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
Moonlighters is a must-watch for anyone who enjoys crime dramas or suspenseful thrillers. With its compelling storyline, strong performances, and high production value, it is a standout addition to Latin Crush's impressive repertoire of content.